Also, Pittsburgh 31-03 which is at Lincoln Place, the judge of elections did not arrive. The sheriff received the poll book from the election judge and took it to the polling place, Lincoln Place Presbyterian Church. Poll workers are in place and once the polling book arrive...
timestamp":"2024-11-06T03:00:00Z","states":[{"id":27,"name":"MONTANA","abbreviation":"MT","displayName":"Montana","shortDisplayName":"Mont.","availableElectoralVotes":4,"lastUpdated":{"value":"2025-01-06T14:03:46.293Z","displayValue":"January 6, 9:03:46AM ET"},"pollClosin...
A recent poll found around a third of Americans – and nearly 70% of Republicans – still believe Biden didn't legitimately win the 2020 election. Trump has refused to commit to accepting the results if he loses in November. If that happens, it could cause violence in the ...
June 6, 2022 –The SenatepassesSenate Bill 573, legislation introduced by Senator Mastriano (R-33) to create flexibility for poll watchers and allow them to perform their duties on Election Day. July 8, 2022– The General Assembly passesSenate Bill 106, a proposed omnibus constitutional amendment...
On November 5th (local time), the United States held its official presidential election. Polling stations across the country have begun to close and start counting votes. Polling stations on the East Coast were the first to close, with some stations in Indiana and Kentucky closing at 6 p.m....
2024 election: Pennsylvania votes to be tossed on a technicality. 11/4/2024 Trump Plummets in Election Betting Odds After Shock Poll Shows Him Losing Iowa to Harris 11/4/2024 Trump muses about reporters being shot ...
If Your Time is short Politicians routinely exaggerate or misrepresent the facts, but never before has an American president refused as Trump has to accept the unambiguous result of a free and fair election. Representatives from the Trump campaign have spouted fiery rhetoric about electoral fraud ...
“Everything is trending towards a strong showing that, as one poll worker told me, they had not seen even during Obama.” In Pittsburgh, some polling locations hit record-highs by noon, including in blue suburban pockets. Democrats hope to maintain ...
Will the third time be a charm for proponents? Not if you trust the polls: An Emerson College poll conducted Oct. 19-22 of 825 likely voters found that 45 percent support the initiative, 50 percent oppose it and 5 percent remain undecided. However, an amendment de...
Anew pollsuggests a path for Kamala Harris to claw back support among a small but significant share of young Black men who have drifted toward Donald Trump this year. When Millennial and Gen-Z Black men were prompted with questions about some of Trump’s preferences,...