使用poll_events函数的具体步骤如下: 1.创建一个事件监听器对象,通常用于监听特定的事件类型。例如,可以创建一个键盘事件监听器或者鼠标事件监听器。 2.调用poll_events函数开始事件的轮询和监听。该函数将等待并获取发生的事件,然后将其传递给事件监听器进行处理。 3.事件监听器根据接收到的事件类型进行相应的处理。
gl.glEnable(gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST)# Loop until the user closes the windowwhilenotglfw.window_should_close(window):# Poll for and process eventsglfw.poll_events()# Render here, e.g. using pyOpenGLrender(shader, vao, tex, tex2)# Swap front and back buffersglfw.swap_buffers(window) time.sleep...
# 需要导入模块: import glfw [as 别名]# 或者: from glfw importpoll_events[as 别名]defrender_scene(self):"render scene one time"self.init_gl()# should be a no-op after the first frame is renderedglfw.make_context_current(self.window) self.renderer.render_scene()# Done rendering# glfw....
void (*start_watches)(PollEvents *self); void (*stop_watches)(PollEvents *self); void (*update_watches)(PollEvents *self, GIOCondition cond); void (*suspend_watches)(PollEvents *self); void (*free_fn)(PollEvents *self); };@@ -62,7 +63,9 @@ poll_events_update_watches(PollEvents...
printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",POLLIN,POLLRDNORM,POLLRDBAND,POLLPRI,POLLOUT,POLLERR, POLLRDHUP); 上面一行代码的输出为: 1,64,128,2,4,8,8192 根据事件参数对应的二
#include <poll.h> int poll(struct pollfd fd[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout); 1. 2. 参数: 1)第一个参数:一个结构数组,struct pollfd结构如下: struct pollfd{ int fd; //文件描述符 short events; //请求的事件 short revents; //返回的事件 ...
二、解决步骤 1.vs2019中打开“诊断工具”窗口 2.在vs2019中打开“并行堆栈”窗口 查看在哪个线程中崩溃的 总结 最后在主线程中发现少了这句" glfwPollEvents(); 1. 例子 #include "glew/glew.h" #include "glfw/glfw3.h" #include "glm/glm.hpp" ...
poll_events()allows the user to communicate "I want all the events that are ready, but I don't want you to wait". Let's call thatget_event(Timeout::Now), and make the loop explicit: // currentevents_loop.poll_events(|event|{matchevent{Event::WindowEvent{event:WindowEvent::Resized(...
PollEvents (); Returns IList<IWatchEvent> the list of the events retrieved; may be empty Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Retrieves and removes all pending events for this watch key, returning a List of the events that were retrieved. Note that this method does not wait if there are ...
pollEvents() The following examples show how to use java.nio.file.WatchKey#pollEvents() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the ...