测试RDMA的传输遇到了一个问题,client和server在两台设备上或者通过光纤外接相连,对于post_send(IBV_WR_WRITE)操作,poll cqe之后,校验buf出错,经分析发现,虽然WC已经产生,但是数据没有更新完成。我们理解WC的产生意味着所有跟WR相关的操作应该已经完成才对。 仔细查IB的协议发现有对此进行说明 协议规定:除了WRITE之外...
ibv_poll_cq()从完成队列(CQ)轮询WC(工作完成),非阻塞函数。 [工作完成] 表示 WQ(工作队列)中的WR(工作请求) 以及与CQ相关联的所有已发布到该工作队列的未发出信号的WR(工作请求)均已完成。 (A Work Completion indicates that a Work Request in a Work Queue, and all of the outstanding unsignaled Wo...
ibv_poll_cq()和ib_poll_cq()是InfiniBand(IB)网络中用于轮询完成队列(Completion Queue)的函数。它们用于从完成队列中获取已完成的工作请求(Work Request)并进行处理。 ibv_poll_cq()函数: 概念:ibv_poll_cq()是InfiniBand Verbs库中的函数,用于轮询完成队列以获取已完成的工作请求。 分类:它属于InfiniBand Verbs...
大致数据流程是kafka的生产者Producer生成数据,通过broker服务写到Topic A中的Partition 0分区中,这个时候...
int ibv_poll_cq(struct ibv_cq *cq, intnum_entries, struct ibv_wc *wc) Description Theibv_poll_cq()function polls the change queue (CQ) for work completions and returns the firstnum_entriesparameter with completions (or all available completions if the CQ contains less than this number) in...
Does ibv_poll_cq() cause a context switch? No. Polling for Work Completions doesn't cause a context switch at all; this is why RDMA technologies can achieve very low latency (below 1 usec). Is there a limit to the number of Work Completions that can we polled when calling ibv_poll_...
n =ibv_poll_cq(cq,1, &wc);if(n <=0)return1;if(wc.status != IBV_WC_SUCCESS)return1;return0; } 开发者ID:JamisHoo,项目名称:Distributed-Cauchy-Reed-Solomon,代码行数:16,代码来源:encode_client.c 示例2: poll_cq ▲点赞 6▼
ib_poll_cq(cq,1,&wc){ if(wc.status == IB_WC_SUCCESS) printk("Successful\n"); else printk("Failure: %d\n", wc.status); } Server Side: do { num_comp = ibv_poll_cq(s_ctx.recv_cq, 1, &wc); } while (num_comp == 0); ...
[PATCH libibverbs 1/5] Add ibv_poll_cq_ex verb This is an extension verb for ibv_poll_cq. It allows the user to poll the cq for specific wc fields only, while allowing to extend the wc. The verb calls the provider in order to fill the WC with the required information....
[PATCH libibverbs 7/7] Optimize ibv_poll_cq_ex for common scenarios The current ibv_poll_cq_ex mechanism needs to query every field for its existence. In order to avoid this penalty at runtime, add optimized functions for special cases....