long duration = now - g_Events[checkPos].last_active; if(duration >= 60) // 60s timeout { close(g_Events[checkPos].fd); printf("[fd=%d] timeout[%d--%d].\n", g_Events[checkPos].fd, g_Events[checkPos].last_active, now); EventDel(g_epollFd, &g_Events[checkPos]); } } ...
下面是poll的使用基本流程,与select和epoll的ET模式比较接近。 TIME_WAIT状态对大并发服务器的影响:避免服务器出现TIME_WAIT状态,因为该状态会在内核中的一段时间内保留内核资源。 如果服务器端主动断开连接,先于客户端调用close,服务器端就会进入到TIME_WAIT状态,内核就会在一段时间内hold一些内核资源,降低并发能力。
1. ClickView Resulton the poll card to open the result view. 2. ClickMenu (…)at the top right corner of the result view. 3. You’ll find options toChange Due Date,Close Poll, andDelete Pollin the menu. Click one of those options to continue. ...
Pollsclose (= voting ends) at 9 p.m. 投票于晚上9点结束。 牛津词典 Labour is ahead in thepoll. 工党的得票数领先。 牛津词典 They gained 20% of thepoll. 他们得到了20%的选票。 牛津词典 Theypolled39% of the vote in the last election. ...
Close a poll When polling is complete, close the poll. To stop the voting, click theClose the pollbutton . The wordsPoll is closedappear at the bottom of the stage. The poll results remain on the screen. Top of Page Remove a poll from the sharing stage ...
如果客户端断开连接,那么服务端 read 读取数据的时候就会出现 EOF,知道客户端断开连接了。待数据处理完毕后,服务端也要调用 close 来关闭连接; 我们使用 Python 来演示一下这个过程,首先是服务端: importsocket # socket.socket() 会返回一个「主动套接字」 ...
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I was kind of hoping we could get somewhere close to a solid distinction between these two classifications, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. There is very little agreement and heaps of opinion. This leads me to think perhaps the “web app” moniker (certainly the newer of the...