认识论与当代社会(Epistemology and Contemporary Society) 保护尊严:堕落、囚禁和弱势群体(Protecting Dignity: Degradation, Captivity and the Vulnerable) 规范性(Normativity) 文化、遗产和评论(Culture, Heritage and Critique) 第三年 经济学 UG 研究论文(Economics UG Research Dissertation) 论文(Dissertation ) 论文...
哲学、政治学及经济学(英语:Philosophy, Politics and Economics,缩写:PPE)是一个受欢迎的跨学科本科和研究学位,课程内容由三个学科组成。PPE 学位在 1920…查看全部内容 关注话题管理 分享 简介 讨论 精华 等待回答 切换为时间排序政经哲专业具体是在培养什么样的人才? 匿名用户 谢邀 @停云诗就...
UCL Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Health MA 该专业不卡专业背景,接受跨专业申请,相关工作/志愿者经历都会被学校考虑, 该专业特别适合有医学、社会科学或哲学背景并希望专攻这一领域的学生,也适...
北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Philosophy/Politics and Economics 哲学、政治学和经济学 学位类型:BSc 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:UCL Bartlett School of Architecture(巴特莱特建筑学院) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
Samuel HeroyUniversity College London (UCL) 21 April 2021 Countries and cities all over the world adopted unprecedented mobility restrictions to combat the pandemic: the “pico y cedúla” example Dramatic ODA cuts crush international collaborations ...
I trained in Economics and Statistics at UCL but it may as well have been Politics, Philosophy and Economics for the misuse of statistics has become a political art. Another reason I chose a BSc over a BA was thinking that one was a science and the other a dark art. These days it is...
and federal dilemmas, this article contributes to the examination of the side effects of “metropolitanisation” by considering three arguments based on geo-economics (“prosperous competitiveness”), geo-politics (“smart devolution”), and geo-democratics (“right to decide”). Finally, this ...
Economics of Transition, 16, 537–557. Article Google Scholar Bearfield, D. A. (2009). What is patronage? A critical re-examination. Public Administration Review, January–February, 64–76. Google Scholar Benit-Gbaffou, C., & Piper, L. (2012). Party politics, the poor, and the ...
Despite the so-called pluri-national and federal dilemmas, this article contributes to the examination of the side effects of "metropolitanisation" by considering three arguments based on geo- economics ("prosperous competitiveness"), geo-politics ("smart devolution"), and geo- democratics ("right...
前言 牛津大学的PPE(Philosophy, Politics and Economics, 政治经济哲学)被称为世界领袖的摇篮,英国首相大多出自该项目,非常prestigous。这门学科的竞争相当激…阅读全文 赞同1 添加评论 分享收藏 牛津ppe专业的申请难度有多大? Vivian 专注牛津剑桥LSE 申请, OxbridgeTutor 前言 牛津大学的PPE(...