间接说明项目强度真的很大,身体不好Hold不住。现在项目已发展为四个track了,Economic and business, Politics and the International Economy, Politics and Security, History and Society,城市方面也多了圣彼得堡的选择。具体可以看项目的网站http://www.ucl.ac.uk/www.imess.eu选课根据选择的Track和第二年学校的要...
Dutch and Finnish BA Dutch and French BA Dutch and German BA Dutch and Hebrew BA Dutch and History of Art BA Dutch and Hungarian BA Dutch and Italian BA Dutch and Latin BA Dutch and Management Studies BA Dutch and Norwegian...
Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Health MAFaculty of Arts and Humanities | Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry (Centre for) Construction Economics and Management MScFaculty of the Built Environment | Construction and Project Management Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MScFacult...
(4)官网链接:https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate/taught-degrees/economy-state-society-history-international-ma 37.Economy, State and Society: Politics and Security MA (International)(两年制) 第一年在伦敦大学学院斯拉夫和东欧研究学院(SSEES)学习,第二年可在捷克共和国(布拉格)、爱沙尼亚(...
History,Politics and Economics Geophysics Mechanical Engineering Geology Spanish and Portuguese pharmacology 这其中有你的专业吗? 如果正在阅读的你也收到了其他专业的offer,欢迎私信小编告知这个喜讯~ UCL申请系统状态玄学 不少同学说,发现portal改变了状态,之后就在凌晨收到了offer,确实是玄学无疑了!
· 伦敦大学学院 历史政治与经济 UCL BA History, Politics and Economics · 伦敦大学学院 全球人权研究...
曼大PPE专业:专业特点:PPE(Philosophy, Politics and Economics)是一门综合性的学科,旨在培养具有全面...
History, Politics and Economics 本科课程,主旨学习了解历史,政治和经济的专业知识适用于社会,文化,经济发展和政治的世界,毕业于UCL这个专业的之后就业面挺广,如金融,政治,外交,国际组织等都可作为就业方向。有兴趣的同学可以关注一下哦!原文转载于http://school.indexedu.com/ucl/news/2014091014068.html ...
🔘Language, Culture and History: Italian Studies MA 需要学生具备基础的小语种阅读能力。 🔘Comparative Economics and Policy MA 需要学生有宏观和微观经济学等量化学习经历。 🔘 Education and International Development MA 要求有中低收入国家或地区的相关工作经验。
History and Philosophy of Science with Study Abroad ❌取消社会学与政治学(带留学) Sociology and Politics of Science with Study Abroad 其实就是取消了带留学的两个专业。 ❌取消经济学(带实习项目) Economics with a Placement Year 经济就是取消了可以去实习的那个专业。