Grandma sprinkled flour on the rolling pin so the dough wouldn't stick to it. pizza dough Whether a dough is a success only depends on the quality of the flour, never on Qdii's cooking skills. doughnut, though, thorough, borough, furlough All butchers make good dough./ This time we're...
Grandma needs to have an operation on her hips so she can walk better. I am aware that my hip aches when it rains. English word "modny"(hip) occurs in sets: Advanced adjectives wordlist 2 tabela vogue 8.Smart He's smart. ...
The spelling is not right, but doing best I can; gupia wradiat chort, which we understood to mean crazy idiot devil. This was grandma's saying. romanowskipaul- | 2 2 May 2019#99 @Davey Yes, "Psia krew" it is, nothing much about it, my aunts in Poland used it a lot when I ...
1. mój(przed rzeczownikiem): mój my mójsamochód mycar dzwoniłamojasiostra mysistercalled tomojerzeczy thesearemythings pewienmójprzyjaciel friendofmine 2. mój(bez rzeczownika): mój mine tomoje it'smine terzeczysąmoje thesethingsaremine ...
You’d better visit your grandma. She is in hospital. To expresskrytyka(criticism) i.e. what somebody should do in the past, but he/she actually did not, there is the constructionpowinno się było(could/should/might/ought to + perfect infinitive) in the correct form e.g. ...
Języka Polskiego - A very interesting website where you can type a word or part of a word into the search engine and the search results are scanned works where the words you are looking for will be highlighted - cool if you want to know an example of using a word or part of it....
At one point, she looked up and asked: "Grandma, how come you don't have a boyfriend?" Grandma replied: "Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The TV evangelists keep me company and make me feel so good. "The comedies make me laugh...
Rosół – Chicken Soup – must be the most well know of Polish soups and can be the basis for many others. It is a clear soup which is known as abouillon–bulionin Polish. The wordconsomméwhich I thought was interchangeable with it, in fact denotes a clear soup which has been clear...
Yuck! Honestly, I don’t ever remember Grandma making it. Ask your dad if she made it before me. I know Aunt Blanche and Aunt Genna made it. So, going to give this a try! I saved a chicken pineapple recipe from your blog that I want to try, also. Unfortunately, our stores do ...
My grandma is pushing seventy six. English word "popychać"(push) occurs in sets: Unit 1 (In our classroom) gotowanie i restauracja Szkoła unit 1 1 miesiąc angielski II czasowniki orange 2. He shoved me towards the house