第八章公共政策的执行PublicPolicyImplementation第一.ppt 热度: 5.第四章 政策执行分析--公共政策课件[2012 热度: 公共政策分析课件公共政策执行 热度: 政策执行:也就是从政策生效起到实现决策目标的整个过程。 1973年,艾伦·维尔达夫斯基和杰弗里·普瑞斯曼: ...
This book reviews the literature on public policy implementation, relating it to contemporary developments in thinking about governance. It stresses the continuing importance of a focus upon implementation processes. Accordingly it goes on to suggest strategies both for future research on implementation ...
It is argued that prefectoral intervention and influence is slight and that potential problems in coordinating the implementation of policy are thereby avoided. Contact between local politicians and officials appears to concentrate heavily on interventions on behalf of particular individuals and has little...
第八章公共政策的执行——PublicPolicyImplementation 第一节第二节第三节第四节第五节政策执行概述政策执行的原则、过程、资源与手段影响政策有效执行的主要因素公共政策执行的偏差及其矫正政策执行研究的演进 政策执行:也就是从政策生效起到实现决策目标的整 个过程。1973年,艾伦·维尔达夫斯基和杰弗里·普瑞斯曼:《...
Policy-visibilityis an approach to policy implementation analysis that broadly describes activities, strategies, and processes involved in enhancing the exposure or increasing the prominence of public policy designs and contents to the general populace and concerned parties (i.e., going beyond policy ann...
Public Management: Theories and Innovations公共管理:理论与创新 Policy Implementation政策执行 Business and Government 商业和政府 Impact Evaluations 影响评估 【UCL课程查询系统】 二、师资力量 Professor Albert Weale 【负责课程】 Theories and Actors of the Policy Process 政策过程的理论和参与者 ...
... ) implementators 公共政策执行主体 ) public policy implementation 公共政策执行 ) public policy execution 公共政策执行 ... www.dictall.com|基于4个网页 2. 公共政策执行期 (3)顺应策略 到了第三阶段「公共政策执行期」 ( public policy implementation ),也就是 议题生命周期的立法施行期,迫使企业 …...
v.Policy implementation[政策执行]——The implementation of policies throughgovernmentbureaucracies,publicexpenditures,regulations,and other activities of executive agencies。 vi.Policy evaluation[政策评估]——The evaluation of policies by government agencies themselves,outside consultants,the media, and the gene...
公共政策执行的模型(Public policy implementation model) Original pseudo body Pro is elegant, on Ru division. Looking to foreign window into the river. The high shore Valley, great change. Clouds Haishu, Liu Mei River in spring. The second section of public policy implementation model After the ...
公共政策执行的模型(Public policy implementation model) Original pseudo body Pro is elegant, on Ru division. Looking to foreign window into the river. The high shore Valley, great change. Clouds Haishu, Liu Mei River in spring. The second section of public policy implementation model After the ...