devolves authority to local actors, who are a mix of public, public-private, and nonprofit entities. The result is wide regional variation in policy-making capacity and choices. For many policies, constraints on local ca...
In the modern world, free trade policy is often implemented by means of a formal and mutual agreement of the nations involved. However, a free-trade policy may simply be the absence of any trade restrictions. A government doesn't need to take specific action to promote free trade. This han...
Clawbacks are considered an important part of the business model because they help to restore the confidence and faith of investors and the public in a company or industry. Banks implemented clawback provisions following the financial crisis as a way to correct any future mistakes by their execu...
Then, based on the effects of the pilot programs, it is determined whether these policies will be implemented on a larger scale. Thus, the key to successfully promote sustainable travel behavior in the post COVID-19 period should focus on the public health safety in the short term, and the...
Biden's term ends just as many of his major domestic policy achievements are being implemented, meaning that the story of his presidency will continue to be written long after he turns over the White House to RepublicanDonald Trump. A look at major elements of Biden's dom...
See how to use a public key and private key in digital signatures and how to use centralized encryption methods in large-scale IT environments. Explore our comprehensive guide to data security. Learn how encryption is implemented in hardware through the use of hardware security modules. This was...
Since ambitious climate policies are very unlikely to be enacted and effectively implemented without strong public support, research is beginning to explore how strong public support is for unilateral climate policy and what its determinants are. Recent research has developed useful survey instruments to...
The next generation of policy leaders needs to understand how policy responses to such complex challenges are designed, implemented and evaluated. They must understand the forces driving change, be they economic, social, technological or, more likely, a combination of all three and...
Last week we released a new major version of the Vanilla framework. Vanilla 4.0 introduces the elements of the new style used for a current rebranding of... Release of Vanilla framework v3.0 We’ve just released Vanilla v3.0 – a new major update to our CSS framework. It includes a few...
Delayed Proceedings:For foreclosure cases already in progress when a moratorium is implemented, the proceedings may experience delays. This delay can be due to court closures, restrictions on evictions, or the suspension of foreclosure auctions. As a result, the overall timeline for completing foreclos...