We did not submit in 2022 following our withdrawal from the PRRB process as a result of continued concerns over its fairness, transparency and independence. Read our 2023 submissionhere. Read our joint 2021 submission with PFEWhere. Read our joint 2020 submission with PFEWhere. Read the PSA su...
The validated French adaptation [148] was utilized which consists of 20 items divided into four subscales that respectively measure Re-experiencing (5 items), Avoidance (2 items), Negative alterations in cognition and mood (7 items), and Hyper-arousal (6 items). The respondent rates each item...
2023/24 - £39.50 x 12 = £474 2024/25 - £41.08 x 12 - £492.96 How can I join the PSA? Temporary or substantive superintendents are eligible to join the PSA. For an application form and new member briefing pack, contact enquiries@policesupers.com What are the pay scales for...
Yet another Prime benefit that may be cheaper than your insurance co-pay By Connor Nolan Nov 25, 2022 See More Poll Do you want more buttons on your next smartphone? Yes, load me up with all the physical shortcuts it can take. I'll take one more additional button, but nothing ...
InVazquez v. City of Hallandale Beach, No. 4D2023-0833 (June 12, 2024), the court held that a restrictive covenant that ran with Vazquez' land (and others in his subdivision, including the city, which had agreed to be bound by the covenant in the settlement of a 1969 lawsuit) is not...
The city partnered with Valley Water, Jan. 2022, to spend $800,000 to have a handful of officers on bicycles patrol a portion of Coyote Creek Trail. "You’re gonna face encounters with people who may try to intimidate workers. And things like that. Or you may have dogs out there...