Closer home, polar vortex and polar jet stream find nearest possible expression in alternating wet spells and dry cold over North India, as modulated by western disturbances. These disturbances originate in the Mediterranean, and are sub-tropic perturbations ...
Two of the greatest living polar explorers went to investigate the extent of the melting Arctic for themselves. It almost killed them.
Obtaining high-rate data from the mesosphere-lower thermosphere region is a chal- lenge, and continuous ground observations of the mesospheric wind and temperature in the vicinity of the stratospheric polar vortex edge are still rare. Furthermore, sudden strato- spheric warming (SSW) manifestations...
The membranes were diluted to the chosen concentration with simplified ATPase assay buffer and warmed to 37 °C. The NBD amphiphiles were added from stocks in DMSO (final DMSO 1% v/v) by squirting the required volume into the membrane solution under gentle vortex. Fluorescence intensity was meas...
Under a warmer climate in the future, more severe fire weather, more area burned, more ignitions, and a longer fire season are expected [3]. An impending shift to a temperature-driven global fire regime in the 21st century is creating an unprecedentedly fire-prone environment [4]. In recen...