Have you ever wanted to do a contour plot of data in polar coordinates but didn't want to go through the hassle of converting it all to Cartesian coordinates? Well if so, here's your answer. A simple scriptlet that works exactly like MATLAB's built in contour plotting function. You can...
While looking for Plotly contour polar plots I stumbled upon this issue. Did you eventually manage to create a contour type polar plot like you showed in your waves plot example? @silvanbrummenI did manage to, working from the example suggested by@emmanuelle. Below is an example code (the ...
white contour is the mixed-layer depth (MLD).eWave Glider observed ∆pCO2, which is the difference between the partial pressure of CO2in the surface ocean (pCO2sea) and in the atmosphere (pCO2atm) in µatm. Grey bars highlight the central part of a storm passage defined using the 25th...
Polarplot3d produces surface, mesh, wireframe and contour plots for three dimensional polar data. A labeled polar axis is drawn at a fixed height or it can follow the surface contour at maximum radius. A polar grid can also be drawn on top of the surface. ...
For LRM mode, in the scatter plot between the raw data (top left), there is a visible correlation between the scatter and the green correction line of [17] for SWH <1.5 m. The corrected version has no such shape and also has a best fit slope of near unity (0.97), and intercept ...