一.捕捉率 打开data文件夹,找到pokeball.ts 用记事本打开进行编辑,找到如下代码 我们可以看到,这段代码反应了各个球的捕捉率 首先是红白球,依次往下是超级球,高级球,肉鸽球,大师球等 我们只需要修改其下方return后的数值即可,例如我想将红白球的捕获率改为1.5,那么只需要进行如下操作 此时关闭并保存,游戏会自动重启...
* or "item". * @param {string} fileName - The name of the file to create. * @example npm run create-test move tackle */ @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ const type = args[0]; // "move" or "ability" let fileName = args[1]; // The file name if (!type || !fileName) { console...
Both lures (all tiers) and battle items have their battle counters adjusted such that they begin with solid green outline and, as they lapse over battles, turn to dark red. Both items, when "refreshed", play a sound cue (se/restore) to indicate that they've changed. Both items now hav...