Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are remakes of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. The games were released back in 2014 for the Nintendo 3DS. Featured Videos Naturally, since the availability of the Citra these games made their way through emulation. And as expected, almost every game that you pl...
Pokemon Omega Ruby 3DS (USA) CIA Update 1.4 Links:WORLD(18MB) ———- MegaUp|ZippyShare|SolidFiles|1Fichier For Extracting Rar Files UseWinRARor7zip Decrypted ROM’s are playable on PC withCitra 3DS Emulator Notes: Do I need to Download all the Parts? Yes. ForHow to Extract (Multi) R...
Pokemon Omega Ruby Nintendo 3DS Rom Nintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] ROM 📥 17615 ⭐ 3.8 📦 Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Nintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] ROM 📥 9078 ⭐ 3.8 📦 Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Nintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] ROM 📥 8702 ⭐ 4.3 📦 1.54 GB Rol Playing Pokemon Let’s...
Probably related to the memory leak? (before it happened about 2h in, sometimes just as a crash, but this might be a separate issue) Expected Behavior To just change the Pokemon : Reproduction Steps Changing a pokemon to another while in battle Log File citra_log.txt.old.txt System Configu...
Cheating your favorite games on the Nintendo 3DS has never been easier, thanks to emulation. Today, you can now easily cheat your way to victory as long as you have an organized list of cheat codes ready to be entered on your trusted Citra emulator. ...
3DS:Pokemon X/Y, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Console Games Nintendo 64:Pokemon Stadium, Snap, Puzzle League, Hey You, Pikachu!, Stadium 2. GameCube:Pokemon Colosseum, Box: Ruby and Sapphire, Channel, XD: Gale of Darkness. ...
Pokemon Omega Origins(gba)Name:Pokemon Omega OriginsVer.: v3 Plataforma:GBA Autor: Lautaro Sánchez Rom Base: Fire RedRealease:2019 Status: CompleteLanguage:English Características:-Gráficos estilo NDS-Golpes fisico / especial-TMs reusáveis-Tipo fada-Repetidor de Exp XY-Ash Greninja-Pokémon de...
个外国的改版,真的很牛,说在前头,未完··· 废话少说先上图: 下楼解析: +6 分享55赞 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 Pokemon Omega Origins(gba)Name:Pokemon Omega OriginsVer.: v3 Plataforma:GBA Autor: Lautaro Sánchez Rom Base: Fire RedRealease:2019 Status: CompleteLanguage:English Características:-...