Naturally, since the availability of the Citra these games made their way through emulation. And as expected, almost every game that you play on emulators can be played with cheats. For a more exciting and fun gameplay, we got this list of Pokemon Omega Ruby cheats that you can use while ...
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Cheats Pokemon Omega Ruby Cheats Pokemon Sun and Moon Cheats Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cheats Table of Contents Never Tried Using Cheats for 3DS Games Before? Cheating your favorite games on the Nintendo 3DS has never been easier, thanks to emulation. Today, you ca...
Pokemon Omega Origins(gba)Name:Pokemon Omega OriginsVer.: v3 Plataforma:GBA Autor: Lautaro Sánchez Rom Base: Fire RedRealease:2019 Status: CompleteLanguage:English Características:-Gráficos estilo NDS-Golpes fisico / especial-TMs reusáveis-Tipo fada-Repetidor de Exp XY-Ash Greninja-Pokémon de...