pointnetgpd抓取算法原理pointnetgpd抓取算法原理 PointNetGPD是一个用于点云数据抓取的算法,其原理可以总结如下: 1.输入预处理:将原始点云数据进行预处理和归一化,包括点云坐标的中心化和尺度化。 2.特征学习:通过多层感知器(MLP)网络对点云数据进行特征学习,提取点云中的有用信息。其中,每个点的特征向量由其坐标...
Compared to recent grasp evaluation metrics that are based on handcrafted depth features and a convolutional neural network (CNN), our proposed PointNetGPD is lightweight and can directly process the 3D point cloud that locates within the gripper for grasp evaluation. Taking the raw point cloud ...
PointNetGPD is an end-to-end grasp evaluation model to address the challenging problem of localizing robot grasp configurations directly from the point cloud. - lianghongzhuo/PointNetGPD
PointNetGPD data model __init__.py exception.txt main_1v.py main_1v_gpd.py main_1v_mc.py main_fullv.py main_fullv_gpd.py main_fullv_mc.py main_test.py ycb_cloud_generate.py data dex-net meshpy .gitignore LICENSE README.md ...
Compared with similar algorithms GPD and PointNetGPD, experiment results showed that the proposed grasping pose detection method had improved the test accuracy on the data set and the actual success rate of grasping.Chen, JiahuiWuhan University of Science and TechnologyLin, Yunhan...
Hi, I have tried to run the provided neural network using both kinect2grasp_pyhton2.py and just main_test.py but in both scenario I have an error stating that: AttributeError: 'DataParallel' object has no attribute 'src_device_obj' I hav...
python setup.py build_ext -i setup.py: error: cannot find PCL, tried pkg-config pcl_common-1.9 pkg-config pcl_common-1.8 pkg-config pcl_common-1.7 pkg-config pcl_common-1.6 pkg-config pcl_common Ubuntu 20.04, conda environment python 3.7 ...
PointNetGPD is an end-to-end grasp evaluation model to address the challenging problem of localizing robot grasp configurations directly from the point cloud. - qingchenkanlu/PointNetGPD