CVPR2022的一篇文章首次提出PointCLIP,是第一篇把CLIP用在点云上的工作。 PointCLIP相关解读传送门: Philokey:【论文阅读】PointCLIP: Point Cloud Understanding by CLIP35 赞同 · 0 评论文章 PointCLIP存在的问题 & V2 Motivation 在广泛采用的ModelNet40和ScanObjectNN数据集上,PointCLIP仅取得了23.78 %和21.34...
如图 3 所示,PointCLIP V2 的文本特征对投影深度图发挥了更强的匹配特性,很大程度上保留了 3D 域中预训练的图像文本对齐。 凭借我们精心改进的投影和提示方案,PointCLIP V2 在零样本 3D 分类方面显着超越了 PointCLIP,即在 ModelNet10 上分别达到 +42:90%、+40:44% 和 +28:75% 准确率 [51], ModelNet4...
Paper tables with annotated results for PointCLIP V2: Prompting CLIP and GPT for Powerful 3D Open-world Learning
E. 渲染细节按照 MVTN [16],我们使用 Pytorch3D [23] 将 3D 模型渲染为 RGB 图像。我们首先使用 ShapeNetCore v2 中的纹理信息加载网格对象。我们选择球形配置中的 10 个视图,然后在 Pytorch3D.render 中使用 MeshRasterizer 和 HardPhongShader,背景和灯光的颜色均为白色。对于零样本评估,我们使用 6 个正交视...
PointCLIP V2with much stronger zero-shot performance will be released atrepo. Introduction PointCLIP is the first to apply CLIP for point cloud recognition, which transfers 2D pre-trained knowledge into 3D domains. To achieve zero-shot classification, we encode a point cloud by projecting it onto...
Table 6: Ablation studies of the task embedding and the frozen strategy onScanNetV2 detection task. task tokenCLIP FrozenAP50Train Para. (%) 59.255.23 60.1100 61.155.51 Table 7: Results of other 2D pre-trained models on theScanNetV2 detection task. ...
The track targeting is the blue V1/A1, V2/A2, etc... just to the right of the lock icon on the lef-hand side of the timeline. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Lanoline14 AUTHOR New Here , May 21, 2017 Copy link to clipboard Ri...
The track targeting is the blue V1/A1, V2/A2, etc... just to the right of the lock icon on the lef-hand side of the timeline. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Lanoline14 AUTHOR New Here , May 21, 2017 Copy link to clipboard Ri...
在本文中,我们通过提出 PointCLIP 来确定这种设置是可行的,PointCLIP 可以在 CLIPencoded 点云和 3D 类别文本之间进行对齐。具体来说,我们通过将点云投影到多视图深度图而不进行渲染来对其进行编码,并聚合视图方向的零样本预测以实现从 2D 到 3D 的知识迁移。最重要的是,我们设计了一个视图间适配器,以更好地...