As for any optical system, the observed image Io of a ground based astronomical telescope can be described as a convolution of the geometrical image I with the so-called Point Spread Function (PSF), i.e., (1)Io=I∗PSF. A possible use of the PSF is as a quality measure for the ...
To advance our understanding, we simulate how three outcrop examples of shear zones (Holsny - Norway, Cap de Creus - Spain, Borborema - Brazil) would look in different types of seismic reflection data using a 2-D PSF-based convolution modelling, PSF (Point-Spread Functions) being the ...
•InMRIitispossibletohaveeitherisotropicornonisotropicPSFdependingonthetypeofacquisitionsincespatialfrequencycoveragecanbedifferentforthetwoin-planedirections.PSF•Theoutputimagemaythenberegardedasatwo-dimensionalconvolutionofthe“ideal”imagewiththePSF:g2=g1 hNOTE:Both*and**areusedtorepresentconvolutionwherehis...
We report a phase-space model, the phase-space imaging kernel, for partially coherent systems that describes image formation in terms of a convolution and is analogous to the point spread function model for coherent imaging. We simulate phase-space imaging kernels for brightfield and differential ...
(SCAO) systems due to fitting and bandwidth errors, which can mathematically be described by a convolution of the true image with a point spread function (PSF). Due to the nature of the turbulent atmosphere and its correction, the PSF is spatially varying, which is known as an anisoplan...
The 2-D blind deconvolution problem is to reconstruct an image having known finite spatial extent from its 2-D convolution with an also-unknown point-spread function. This is significantly more difficult than the typical image restoration problem of deconvolving a known blurring function. Many meth...
Modeling phase microscopy of transparent three-dimensional objects: a product-of-convolutions approach The product of two-dimensional convolutions between each slice and the appropriate slice of the point spread function is used to represent the object at ... H Sierra,DiMarzio, Charles A,DH Brooks...
This matrix presents particular properties for a shift invariant point spread function for which the Fredholm integral is reduced to a convolution relation. The presence of noise complicates the resolution of the problem. It is shown that minimum variance unbiased solutions fail to give good results...
The complex amplitude at the image sensor is given as 2D convolution between Eq. (2) and quadratic phase function \(Q\left( {{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {z_{h} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {z_{h} }}} \right)\) for distance zh. Therefore, the intensity ...
(Point Spread Function)” to optimise inevitable, but time-consuming, convolution processes. With the Compiled PSF, we reduce the computation time by an order of magnitude. The photon and readout noises are included in the simulations. We estimate the detection limits for point sources from the...