images on the focal plane by convolving the point sources and the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the telescope and the instrument. The software generates time-series data for each pixel by simulating the scanning procedure of the ASTRO-F/FIS survey mode observations. Since the PSF, the fi...
In order to design instruments, correct quasi-static aberrations or analyze data, the expression of the point spread function of a coronagraphic telescope in the presence of residual turbulence is useful. We have derived an analytic formula for this point spread function. We explain physically its...
its far-field PSF is still challenged to be expressed as a mathematic formula. In order to understand the distance-dependent PSF under SELFI, we conducted a numerical simulation by finite element analysis (JCMwave, details in Supplementary Information Note3). We calculated the far-field image pa...
Define point target. point target synonyms, point target pronunciation, point target translation, English dictionary definition of point target. A target which requires the accurate placement of bombs or fire. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
The formula (1.30) is easily deduced using well-known asymptotics for the Bessel functionK_\nu, see e.g., [4] (or [58]) for details. Now fix a zooming-pointp_*\in S_Vin the bulk, i.e.,0< p_*< 4. Using (1.30), the quantities\rho (p_*)and...
The dew point spread (also called spread), i.e. the difference ΔDP = T − DP basically depends on both the actual air temperature T and the MR. Following the approximation (2A.43), it can be expressed as a function of air temperature and RH (2A.45)ΔDP≈−b+talogu. It phys...
Furthermore, it immediately leads to formulae for the epipolar lines. To see this, first note that in the C1 camera frame: (1.92)p1=(f1/Z1)P1 while in the C2 camera frame (and expressed in terms of that frame of reference): (1.93)p2′=(f2/Z2)P2′ Eliminating P1 and P2′, and...
Phil Maffetone’s 180 formula. 180 – your age = your training heart rate or MAF According to Maffetone, you should modify this number: “If you have or are recovering from a major illness (heart disease, any operation or hospital stay, etc.) or are on any regular medication, subtract ...
This is the renowned Rossi-alpha formula without delayed neutrons, which can only be considered as a probability, even approximately, if both intervals dθ and du in (4.149) are infinitesimally small. The derivation of this formula with the inclusion of delayed neutrons is given in Part II, ...
The energy of the zero-point vibration is given by the formula ε0=ℏkABμAB and as a consequence of the isotope effect it is reduced. The decrease in the zero-point energy is more pronounced for the LS state since the force constants obey the relationship kLS > kHS. Consequently the ...