Point-of-care Testing (poct) - Requirements For Quality And CompetenceSwiss Standards
英文名称:Point-of-care testing (POCT) — Requirements for quality and competence 标准状态:废止 发布日期:2016-10-26 文档简介 ISO22870:2016EN是关于即时检验(Point-of-CareTesting,简称POCT)的国际标准,它详细规定了即时检验在质量控制和能力要求方面的标准。以下是对这个标准的各个部分的详细解释: ...
Thus, it is necessary to correlate the markers of inflammation with those characteristic of that condition [7]. According to the International Standard ISO22870, Point-of-care testing (POCT): Requirements for quality and competence, a POCT is a test “performed near or at the site of a ...
As a long-standing leader in point-of-care blood glucose testing, Roche Point of Care brings together extensive hospital diagnostics experience, connectivity solutions and comprehensive resources, all backed by unparalleled sales and service support, to help you provide the best care possible. ...
Point-of-care testingis a rapidly growing area inlaboratory medicine. Technologies related to point-of-care testing have unique analytical features and are used in a number of clinical applications. These attributes combined with complex regulatory requirements have made point-of-care testing a true ...
giving peace of mind to people who might otherwise have felt intimidated by the risks of going to a testing center or clinic. The test relieves them of any requirements forcing them to leave the security and protection of home or other trusted environment. In addition to being able to detect...
ISO 22870:2016 Point-of-care testing – requirements for quality and competence. Gives specific requirements applicable to point-of-care testing and is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 15189. The requirements of this document apply when POCT is carried out in a hospital, clinic, and...
Point-of-care testing (POCT) is spreading throughout health care systems in the United States. This article outlines an administrative structure for establishing and managing a POCT program in a health care system and discusses the role of the POCT coordinator in maintaining a quality assurance and...
carediagnosticssuchasdiabetesmonitoring. RigorousrequirementsaresetforPOCTdiagnosticsystemsin ordertosatisfytheneedsforPOCTasfollows:(a)rapidtestresults toallowpatientstoreceivefollow-uptreatmentatthepoint-of- care;(b)accurate,quantitativeresultsthatcouldbecomparable ...
Point-of-care testing (POCT) has evolved from the demand for analytical information more rapidly than is available from central laboratories. By bringing the analysis closer to the patient several process steps have been eliminated, facilitating a shorter time to result and faster management response...