Briggs C, Guthrie D, Hyde K, Mackie I, Parker N, Popek M, et al. Guidelines for point-of-care testing: haematology. Br J Haematol. 2008; 142 :904–15.Briggs, C., et al., Guidelines for point-of-care testing: Haematology. British Journal of Haematology, 2008. 142(6): p. 904-...
Point-of-Care Testing: Meeting the Expectations The use of point-of-care testing (POCT) is increasing, and it is essential that its use is managed appropriately and safely for both patients and staff. Th... KM Thompson,S Phlora-Mann,SV Mallett - 《Point of Care》 被引量: 3发表: ...
Understanding Point-of-Care Testing是理解即时检测(POCT)的第1集视频,该合集共计3集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
point‐of‐care testingquality assuranceThese guidelines provide information on how to develop and manage a point-of-care (POCT) service so that reliable haematology results are produced regardless of where the test is performed. Many of the issues addressed here are relevant to POCT within ...
床旁快速检测pointofcaretestingPOCT 床旁快速检测(point of care testing,POCT)杨兴易 上海市卫生局急诊 ICU质量控制中心、第二军医大学附属长征医院急救科 一、床旁快速检测的概念 床旁快速检测(point of care testing,POCT)指由未接受临床实验室训练的临床人员(或患者),在接近患者治疗地方,使用轻便的仪器设备...
POINT-OF-CARE TESTING A “HOW-TO”GUIDE FOR THE NON-LABORATORIAN 来源:维润赛润资讯 2022年9月13日,美国临床化学协会(AACC)发布关于POCT的操作指南,目录分为: 摘要 POCT的优势 POCT在医疗保健系统中的应用场景 检测方法 如何建立POCT实验室 展望
围术期POCT(point of care testing)即时检测 随着诊断技术和对疾病的认识不断提高,POCT的理念逐渐受到重视,它被认为是提高患者预后的重要手段,我科的POCT包括血糖、血气分析、血栓弹力图(TEG)、心脏超声检查(经食道超声或经胸超声)、肺部超声检查等。通过POCT的相关检查,我们可以即时准确的了解患者内环境、凝血功能、...
Addition of the measurement of creatinine concentration in whole blood on the ABL837 FLEX blood gas analyzer (Radiometer Medical ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark) allows fast and reliable reporting of creatinine in point-of-care testing (POCT). The new creatinine sensor follows the international recommendation...
基于上述的微液滴数字PCR方法,近日德国科学家在lab on chip 发表题为《Point-of-care testing system for digital single cell detection of MRSA directly from nasal swabs》的论文,论文基于微液滴数字PCR(ddPCR)的方法,建立了一种快速即使诊断耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌的工具。文章摘要如下: ...
POCT,即时检验(point-of-care testing),指在病人旁边进行的临床检测及床边检测(bedside testing),通常不一定是临床检验师来进行。是在采样现场即刻进行分析,省去标本在实验室检验时的复杂处理程序,快速得到检验结果的一类新方法。 现场快速检验(point-of-care testing, POCT)由中国医学装备协会POCT装备技术专业委员会在...