(Deprecated) --without=WITHOUT The dependency groups to ignore. (multiple values allowed) --with=WITH The optional dependency groups to include. (multiple values allowed) --only=ONLY The only dependency groups to include. (multiple values allowed) -E, --extras=EXTRAS Extra sets of dependencies ...
Python Poetry Add <dependency>出现错误 Python Poetry是一个用于管理Python项目依赖关系和版本的工具。当使用Poetry添加依赖项时,如果出现错误,可能是由于以下原因之一: 错误的依赖项名称:请确保你输入的依赖项名称是正确的,拼写没有错误,并且与PyPI(Python Package Index)上的包名称一致。 依赖项版本冲突:有时候,添加...
Enter the version constraint to require (or leave blank to use the latest version): # 依赖版本 Add a package (leave blank to skip): # 重复上面搜索步骤 Would you like to define your development dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes] # 开发环境的依赖,如pytest等 Do you confirm generation?
依赖管理: # Add dependency poetry add <package_name:python-office> # Display all dependencies poetry show --tree 运行代码 # Activate virtual env poetry shell # Run script within virtual env poetry run python 锁定文件:首次安装软件包时,Poetry 会解析 pyproject.toml 文件中列出的所有依赖项并下载最...
This will download and install the latest version of Poetry, a dependency and package manager for Python. It will add the `poetry` command to Poetry's bin directory, located at: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts You can uninstall at any time by executing this script with the ...
# Add dependency poetry add # Display all dependencies poetry show --tree 运行代码 # Activate virtual env poetry shell # Run script within virtual env poetry run python 锁定文件:首次安装软件包时,Poetry 会解析 pyproject.toml 文件中列出的所有依赖项并下载最新版本的软件包。一旦 Poetry 完成安装,它将...
# Add dependencypoetry add<package_name> # Display all dependencies poetry show --tree 运行代码 # Activate virtual env poetry shell # Run script within virtual env poetry run python 锁定文件:首次安装软件包时,Poetry 会解析 pyproject.toml 文件中列出的所有依赖项并下载最新版本的软件包。一旦 Poetry...
Poetry version: Poetry (version 1.4.1) Python version: Poetry Version: 1.4.1 Python: 3.9.11 Virtualenv Python: 3.11.1 Implementation: CPython Path: /home/test-user/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/poetry-test-VqRfSpzI-py3.11 Executable: /home...
[<nameN>] ARGUMENTS <name> The packages to add. OPTIONS -D (--dev) Add as a development dependency. -E (--extras) Extras to activate for the dependency. (multiple values allowed) --optional Add as an optional dependency. --python Python version for which the dependency must be ...
介绍 目前使用ionic+cordova完成hybmid app开发,在安装geolocation插件时爆出来一个莫名的错误: Fe...