[tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] pytest="^7.4.0"... poetry update 更新依赖,相当于pip install --upgrade <package_name> $ poetry update # 更新所有能更新的依赖 $ poetry update<package_nmae> # 更新指定的依赖 poetry remove 卸载依赖,类似于pip uninstall <package_name>,不同的是会一同卸载依赖...
使用poetry lock命令锁定依赖项后,您必须运行该poetry install命令,以便您可以在项目中实际使用它们: $ poetry install Installing dependencies from lock file Package operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals • Installing soupsieve (2.2.1) • Installing beautifulsoup4 (4.10.0) Installing the curre...
poetry add pytest --dev : 指定为开发依赖,会写到pyproject.toml中的[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]区域 poetry add flask=2.22.0 : 指定具体的版本 poetry install : 安装pyproject.toml文件中的全部依赖 poetry install --no-dev : 只安装非development环境的依赖,一般部署时使用 追踪&更新包 输入poetry show ...
poetry add pytest --dev: 指定为开发依赖,会写到pyproject.toml中的[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]区域 poetry add flask=2.22.0: 指定具体的版本 poetry install: 安装pyproject.toml文件中的全部依赖 poetry install --no-dev: 只安装非development环境的依赖,一般部署时使用 追踪&更新包 输入poetry show -h可以...
--dev-dependency:开发需求 生成pyproject 已有的字段 和 options 是可以对齐的 install 从当前项目读取 pyproject.toml 文件,解析依赖项 tool.poetry.dependencies 并安装它们 代码语言:javascript 复制 poetry install 如果当前目录中有 poetry.lock 文件,它将使用其中的确切版本,而不是解析它们,这确保使用库的每个人都...
第[tool.poetry.dependencies]9 行和[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]第 12行的子表对于您的依赖项管理...
With Poetry, you can group dependencies under arbitrary names so that you can selectively install those groups later on when needed. Here’s how to add a few dependencies to a group called dev and some dependencies to another group called test: Shell $ poetry add --group dev black flake8...
poetry.dependencies] python = ">=3.10,<3.11" pymongo = {version = ">=3.10,<4", extras = ["srv"]} dn [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"Trying to run "install" on the following pyproject.toml reports the following:Because no versions...
If poetry 1.1 was forward compatible (as raised herepoetry 1.1 and forward compatibility with pyproject.toml using groups#4628) it could "maybe work" if the only groups are dev dependencies not meant to be installed with the package.
Python诗-只将-dev依赖项更新为最新的 如何使诗只将dev依赖项更新为latest[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]但我想:pytest = "^6.0" 我是通过手工编辑pyproject.toml文件来实现的。当我运行poetryupdate时,它(出色地)撞上了我所有的正常(非开发)依赖项。