I will read this poem at the memorial of my late brother who passed away recently. I know that this is how he would feel. I look forward to the time when we meet again. Heartbroken. Reply by Carly Taylor 5 years ago My best friend of 30 years died suddenly last year. His parents...
By a curious confusion, many modern critics have passed from the proposition that a masterpiece may be unpopular to the other proposition that unless it is unpopular it cannot be a masterpiece.~ G. K. Chesterton ~ As blushing will sometimes make a whore pass for a virtuous woman, so mod...
The achiever among Nathan’s brood was Irene’s brother, Samuel Fowler Dickinson, who became Emily’s grandfather. In 1802 he reinforced the blood ties with the classy Montagues when he married Lucretia Gunn, whose mother was a Montague and whose home town was Montague, Massachusetts. Grandmother...
The repeated use of the wordwhostarts here. Ginsberg used this little word as a sort of reference point, a base from which another deep breath is taken in readiness for another of those stretched out lines. Repetition is a biblical ploy. Jazz was the chosen music of the beats, particularly...
Even when someone battles hard, there is an equal portion for one who lingers behind, and in the same honor are held both the coward and the brave man the idle man and he who has done much meet death alike.~ Homer ~ Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.~ Ralph ...
英语poem诗歌翻译 Beforemybed,thereisbrightmoonlight.Soitseemslikefrostontheground.Liftingmyhead,Isawthebrightmoon.Loweringmyhead,IdreamthatI’mathome.Ilookforherinvain.WhenallatonceIturnmyhead,Ifindhertherewherelanternlightisdimlyshed.TranslatedbyXuYuanchong 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处...
the woman with the Pomeranian Who said she’d once had posture just like hers And recommended her podiatrist. “To think what shoes have done for my career!” Adding, “Between us women.” Taking off Her skin is never easy. She’s worked hard To wear it tight at hip and thigh. First...
10A Floor too cool for Corn - 11But when a Boy and Barefoot 12I more than once at Noon 13Have passed I thought a Whip Lash 14Unbraiding in the Sun 15When stooping to secure it 16It wrinkled And was gone - 17Several of Nature’s People 18I know, and they know me 19I feel for ...
You who write, take up a material suitable for your strengths and, for a while, think about what your strength ruins and what it is able to support. Neither elegance of style nor a perspicuous disposition shall desert the man by whom the subject matter is chosen carefully. ...
Tiphanie Yanique, "My brother comes to me"Two Short Poems from Israel and Palestine Haim Gouri, “All Will Be Well, I Promise.” and Najwan Darwish, “’Who Remembers the Armenians?’” I’m going to break my usual practice and tackle two short poems at once this time, for reasons ...