I will read this poem at the memorial of my late brother who passed away recently. I know that this is how he would feel. I look forward to the time when we meet again. Heartbroken. Reply by Carly Taylor 5 years ago My best friend of 30 years died suddenly last year. His parents...
Lord. Saviour if thou hadst been here our brother had not died And now we know that whatsoever thou wilt ask of God He will give it thee for we are weak women & dare not lift Our eyes to the Divine pavilions. therefore in mercy thou Appearest clothd in Luvahs garments that we may ...
Even when someone battles hard, there is an equal portion for one who lingers behind, and in the same honor are held both the coward and the brave man the idle man and he who has done much meet death alike.~ Homer ~ Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.~ Ralph ...
Half of the secular unrest and dismal, profane sadness of modern society comes from the vain ideas that every man is bound to be a critic for life. ~ Henry Van Dyke ~ By a curious confusion, many modern critics have passed from the proposition that a masterpiece may be unpopular to th...
The achiever among Nathan’s brood was Irene’s brother, Samuel Fowler Dickinson, who became Emily’s grandfather. In 1802 he reinforced the blood ties with the classy Montagues when he married Lucretia Gunn, whose mother was a Montague and whose home town was Montague, Massachusetts. Grandmother...
The achiever among Nathan’s brood was Irene’s brother, Samuel Fowler Dickinson, who became Emily’s grandfather. In 1802 he reinforced the blood ties with the classy Montagues when he married Lucretia Gunn, whose mother was a Montague and whose home town was Montague, Massachusetts. Grandmother...
Ilookforherinvain.WhenallatonceIturnmyhead,Ifindhertherewherelanternlightisdimlyshed.TranslatedbyXuYuanchong 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。青玉案.元夕 ---辛弃疾 Iseekbutseekinvain,Isearchandsearchagain;Ifeelsosad,sodrear,solonely,withoutcheer.寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。---...
Tiphanie Yanique, "My brother comes to me"Two Short Poems from Israel and Palestine Haim Gouri, “All Will Be Well, I Promise.” and Najwan Darwish, “’Who Remembers the Armenians?’” I’m going to break my usual practice and tackle two short poems at once this time, for reasons ...
theysmileandsay. -6 -7 Discussion: Arepoemsgoodforourlife? Whatcanwegetfrompoems? 1.Poemsbringpassion(激情)toourlife. 2.Poemshelpustounderstandlife,virtues, beautyandromance. 3.Poemsmakeusknowwearehereandthat wecanmakeourlifeandtheworldmore colorfulandbeautiful! -8 Whatformsarethefollowing poems?
the woman with the Pomeranian Who said she’d once had posture just like hers And recommended her podiatrist. “To think what shoes have done for my career!” Adding, “Between us women.” Taking off Her skin is never easy. She’s worked hard To wear it tight at hip and thigh. First...