Support, AoE 增加范围技能的影响范围。 等级需求:31 属性需求:智力 魔力消耗:150% 每1% 品质增加 0.5% 影响范围 Increased Critical Damage(增加致命伤害) Support 增加致命一击加乘,基础:53%。 等级需求:15 属性需求:智力 魔力消耗:130% 每1% 品质增加 2% 致命一击加成 Increased Critical Strikes(增加致命机率)...
Support, AoE 增加范围技能的影响范围。 等级需求:31 属性需求:智力 魔力消耗:150% 每1% 品质增加 0.5% 影响范围 Increased Critical Damage(增加致命伤害) Support 增加致命一击加乘,基础:53%。 等级需求:15 属性需求:智力 魔力消耗:130% 每1% 品质增加 2% 致命一击加成 Increased Critical Strikes(增加致命机率)...
Advanced Traps Increased Critical Strikes Increased Critical Damage Ascendancy Nodes: Swift Killer Ghost Dance Escape Artist Prolonged Pain Key Mechanics: Critical Strikes:Focus on crit chance and multiplier. Charges:Utilize power, frenzy, endurance, and inspiration charges for bonuses. Def...
能量护盾底子盾牌可以roll出能量护盾启动回复比平常快#%,T1为66% Energy Shield-based Shields can all now roll increased Critical Strike Chance with Spells. Previously only pure Energy Shield Shields could roll increased Critical Strike Chance with Spells, but now this can also roll on both Armour/Ene...
CriticalWeakness(致命弱点诅咒)Curse,Spell,AoE,Duration 诅咒范围内的敌人,让他们更容易受到致命一击。等级需求:19属性需求:智力、敏捷每1%品质增加1.5%敌人受到的致命一击伤害 Discharge(解放)Fire,Cold,Lightning,Spell,AoE 消耗掉角色所有的充能(Charge),对附近的敌人造成元素伤害。会消耗掉PowerCharge、...
Increased Critical Damage and Increased Critical Strikes ensure that you deal the most amount of damage every time you detonate the blade stacks from your BV. Awakened Brutality is a support gem that dramatically improves the physical damage of Blade Blast of Unloading. It can also cause enemies ...
AccuracyIncreased Area of EffectAdded Lightning DamageDamage InfusionBlood RageIgniteRighteous FireFire WeaponDischargePortalReduced ManaIncreased Critical StrikesIncreased Critical DamageKnockbackLife LeechMana LeechAdded Chaos DamageBackstabFlicker StrikeSparkStunIce Spear火球術(FiB)冰霜新星(IN)躍擊(LeS)橫掃(S)...
Also, we can't deal with critical strikes so it means that you always have to look at your accuracy, so which is greater than the maximum life. Also, we choose Undeniable as an Ascendancy skill point for more accuracy rating and it gives us huge amount of attack speed....
(疑似非终端天赋)Warcry Skills have {0}% increased Area of Effect 战吼技能增加#%范围效果 14. Shield Charge and Chain Hook have {0}% increased Attack Speed per 10 Rampage Kills 重盾冲锋 和 钩链攻击 每10个暴怒击杀增加#%攻击速度 15. Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect Dom...