本周日下午3点,罗教授将做客外滩直播间,带来一场关于AI与数学教育的直播。今天,先让我们跟随罗教授的视角,重新探索数学的魅力。 罗博深是谁? 罗博深(Po-Shen Loh),美国卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)数学系终身教授,前美国国家奥林匹克数学竞赛总教练。 2014年至2023的十年间,罗博深担任美国奥林匹克数学竞赛带队总教练(USA I...
“Geometry Tools is a great course if you want to learn more about Geometry. Professor Po Shen Loh teaches a lot of great tricks that you can use to solve some difficult problems. I have learned a lot of tricks and tips, including how to square a ...” ...
网络主讲人罗博深 网络释义 1. 主讲人罗博深 主讲人罗博深(Po-shen Loh)教授是一位杰出的青年数学家。他祖籍新加坡,成长在一个中国家庭, 从小对数学产生了强力的兴趣。 www.acp-atlanta.org|基于 1 个网页
10. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to email us at support@poshenloh.com. We'd like to help make this as robust as possible. 11. All of this is sponsored by LIVE, our new online school which provides the best live video math classes in the world. We created this sys...
罗博深 (Po-shen Loh),80后,美国卡内基·梅隆大学数学副教授、国际数学奥林匹克竞赛美国国家队的教练。在他的执教下,美国奥数队在2015年、2016年、2018年及2019年夺冠(2019 年与中国并列第一)。//@牙医DrZhou: @外滩教育 美国奥数队总教练罗博深:不多刷题,要做有难度的题,深度思考,才能培养数学思维。#数学#...
Po-Shen Loh is a social entrepreneur and inventor, working across the spectrum of mathematics, education, and healthcare, all around the world. He is a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and the national coach of the USA International Mathemat
Po-Shen Loh is a social entrepreneur and inventor, working across the spectrum of mathematics, education, and healthcare, all around the world. He is a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and the national coach of the USA International Mathemat
Po-Shen Loh, a well-known math professor and coach for the International Mathematical Olympiad, is touring the US to offer middle school students guidance in a world of uncertainty.where Al and ChatGPT are playing a major role. Loh's message is clear and practical: to thrive' in this new...
1. Po-Shen Loh 建议中学生在人工智能时代要拥抱自身的人性,关注那些使人类区别于机器的特质,例如创造力、情感和思考能力。 2. “epiphany”的意思是“顿悟”或“突然的领悟”。 3. Loh 通过向 ChatGPT 提出一个新颖的问题,而 AI 系统无法给出合理的答案,以此证明了 ChatGPT 的局限性。 **问题1:Po-Shen ...