LIVE, by Po-Shen Loh A revolutionary way to learn math online Shatter Your Expectations The first and only online math course that captivates. Invented by world famous math professor Po-Shen Loh. Taught live by instructors who are not only brilliant at math, but also skilled in improvisational...
社会企业家 Po-Shen Loh 在教授成千上万的多样化学生时,揭示了教育系统中的问题。作为美国数学奥林匹克教练和卡内基梅隆大学的教授,他努力解决这些问题。他开发了一种引人入胜的教育系统,类似于 Twitch 游戏直播。在视频中探索这些重大挑战及其解决方案。
Po-Shen Loh is a social entrepreneur and inventor, working across the spectrum of mathematics, education, and healthcare, all around the world. He is a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and the national coach of the USA International Mathemat
improvisational comedy techniques to interact with students, weaving in footage of Po-Shen Loh's own teaching in a lifelike manner. We have found that this live chat moderation tool makes classes really fun, and it has transformed the learning experience for our students. We hope you enjoy it...
Po-Shen Loh is a mathematician at CMU and coach of the USA International Math Olympiad team. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: –The Jordan Harbinger Show: –Onnit: ...
About Po-Shen Loh, PhD Dr. Po-Shen Loh is a renowned mathematician, educator, and innovator. As a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and the national coach of the USA International Math Olympiad team, he has led the team to multiple world championships. Dr. Loh is also the founder of...
罗博深 (Po-shen Loh),80后,美国卡内基·梅隆大学数学副教授、国际数学奥林匹克竞赛美国国家队的教练。在他的执教下,美国奥数队在2015年、2016年、2018年及2019年夺冠(2019 年与中国并列第一)。//@牙医DrZhou: @外滩教育 美国奥数队总教练罗博深:不多刷题,要做有难度的题,深度思考,才能培养数学思维。#数学#...
Po-Shen Loh, a well-known math professor and coach for the International Mathematical Olympiad, is touring the US to offer middle school students guidance in a world of uncertainty.where Al and ChatGPT are playing a major role. Loh's message is clear and practical: to thrive' in this new...
The article presents a reprint of the article "Passing the Torch Po-Shen Loh Trains Students to be Math Olympians," which appeared in the November 2011 issue of the journal "Science Connection." The article focuses on mathematics coach Po-Shen Loh who prepares teams for the U.S. Mathematics...
NEWSMAKER: Po-Shen LohParrish, Tory