The item category can be changed in the allocation table.Procedure Select a valid item category.4,根据F1帮助文档的说明,SAP 零售系统中如果要参考采购订单来创建分配表(Allocation Table),该采购订单不能是向外部供应商采购的单据,而只能是DC到门店或者门店到门店的补货订单。-完- 写于2021-11-09 ...
Otherwise the reference document item is adopted in the allocation table. The item category can be changed in the allocation table. Procedure Select a valid item category. 4,根据F1帮助文档的说明,SAP 零售系统中如果要参考采购订单来创建分配表(Allocation Table),该采购订单不能是向外部供应商采购的单据...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function View products (1) Dear Experts, If i want to see PO Number in FBL1N and FBL3N what is the procedure? useful answers duely rewarded Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details?
Note This configuration corresponds to the identifiers SAP and SAPS11 in Figure 2, the Table of PO/confirmation scenario configurations. The endpoint is enabled to receive SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages by default.Configure a second endpoint with the settings shown in the following illustration. ...
SAP RETAIL里的Allocation Table可以用来触发采购订单,同时Allocation Table也可以由采购订单(STO)来触发。不管是谁创建在先谁在后,SAP系统会记录两者之间的关联关系。 如果某个Allocation Table是参考前端的某个采购订单来创建的,则如何通过allocation table来查到这个采购订单号呢?
The system does not include reference document items in the allocation table if: a promotion number is maintained in the reference document item the reference document item contains a material that is a variant referencing a generic material (higher-level item) Otherwise the reference document item ...
MLGN Material / Warehouse number MLGT Material / Storage type MPRP Forecast profiles MDTB MRP table MDKP Header data for MRP document MLAN Tax data material master MTQSS Material master view: QM 3.1.1 Basic data text (sap script) STXB SAPscript: Texts in non-SAPscript format STXH STXD ...
Azure Table Storage Azure Text to speech Azure VM Badgr (Independent Publisher) Basecamp 2 Basecamp 3 Benchmark Email BillsPLS BIN Checker (Independent Publisher) (Independent Publisher) Bing Maps Bing Search Bitbucket Bitly BitlyIP (Independent Publisher) Bitskout Bitvore Cellenus BizTal...
SAP 如何设置采购无PR时不允许创建PO 有时候会有这样的业务需求,如果在SAP里没有创建PR(采购申请),那么不允许直接创建PO(采购订单)。系统会阻止采购人员在没有PR参考的情况下创建PO。在SAP里有很多方法实现这一目的,而我将通过Function Authorizations和Parameter ID来实现。
1,186 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hello all, in which table does PO number and PO quantity are stored for a given WBS element... or do i need to use any function module... i need to use it in an ALV report... thanks in advance...Reply ...