WSDL: http://NETServer/SAPBusinessService/PO2?wsdl There is no command-line confirmation service because the confirmation service must run in process with the .NET Framework 4 client. NET.clear Use for set-up confirmation. SOAP 1.2, WS-Addressing 1.0, WS-RM 1.1, no security http://NETServ...
In order to get the condition values get the field KNUMV (condition record) from ekko for that PO and check in KOMV table with KUUMV, KSCHL(Condition type's) , KPOSN (Equal to the current line item i.e each line item in EKPO-EBELN, Item Number of Purchasing Document)and the condi...
@Sanjay - I know how to get the condition no but i was not able to get tax entries for vat condition types there in KONV. Thanks for your help though. @Umakant - Yes i did get that value from BSET so its of really a help but how to recognize that its for particular item when p...
I also want to show the delivey date with line Item, so Itried to use EKET-EINDT but it is returning the delivery date of last line item, means while printing the first line and other information it is showing the delivery date of the last line item, I tried with the PEKPO-EINDT ... Also *Internal table to store standard texts DATA: IT_TEXTS like T_LINE occurs o with header line. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' EXPORTING CLIENT = SY-MANDT id = "Text ID language = "Laguage name = "Text name object = "text...
Originally in this circumstance, the workaround is to block the line item in PO. You can set the blocking indicator by selecting the item and thenchoosing Edit -> Block if you do not want to allow subsequent functions for the item. As of ECC 6.0 Enhancement Package 4, the Enhancement ...
*data: POTEXTITEMx type table of BAPIMEPOTEXTx with header line. DATA: POCOND TYPE table of BAPIMEPOCOND with header line. DATA: POCONDX TYPE TABLE OF BAPIMEPOCONDX WITH HEADER LINE. data: ex_po_number type bapimepoheader-po_number. ...
not. If the accounting entry is okay we are good to post the document by selecting the post/save option. After posting the header data will get updated in RBKP and the line item data will get updated in RBCO table. Your invoice will be posted and related document number will be ...
in the my custom condition record. I have tried with Region field REGIO, but it picks up the tax code from vendor address state. I need to have tax code by Delivery address State (on line item) NOT vendor address state (Header). Anyone know which field should I pick in condition ...
PO中的InfoUpdate缺省值在哪里设 step 1:t-code: sproImplementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG)->Materials Management->Purchasing->Environment Data->Define Default Values for Buyersmaintain a default value. (on detail view -> Indicators tab page, you can set SPACE value in field 'Default ...