SAP S4HANA根据PO号码得到各个ITEM的Conditions数据 1, 如下的采购订单4500001572. Item 10的condition数据里存在PB00,JFRB,NAVM,SKTO,WOTB等条件类型。如上图。 2, 先执行事务代码SE16,table EKKO 得到凭证条件号。 输入采购订单号码,执行, 凭证条件号1000004017。 执行事务代码SE16 ,table PRCD_ELEMENTS. 输入采购...
if you click it, then you can see the table for each access sequence. However, you dont need this table info as you already see the condition records in the screen. You can of course do the same for message type NEU if you want check those conditions You must be a registered user to...
32,668 SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Dear All What is the table for PO texts; I mean where the PO texts will be stored in SAP database tables Thanks in advanceKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before an...
Hi, I need to know the table name where i can find the PO document types and the same assigned to which all roles? BASIS person says that we can check that in a table. Do we have any such table. Experts please help. Rgds, KKKnow...
The priority level assigned to columns also impacts the display of the responsive table. For more information on the priority levels, see: Smart Table There are two ways to configure responsiveness: auto pop-in mode and manual pop-in mode (sap.m.Table, property: autoPopinMode). The auto ...
Enhanced functions are available for editing personnel areas. You can call them up using the function call "Copy, delete, check personnel area". When you use this function, the entry in the personnel area table, as well as all the dependent customizing and system tables that contain the perso...
For PO conditions you need to read data from KONV table. From EKKO read KNUMV & pass the same to KONV table. The condition type field is KSCHL in KONV, so you can ger specific details about a particular condition type in a PO. For PO history - EKBE & EKBEH. Hope the above helps...
Today, I would like to introduce you to an amazing solution that you as our customer have desired for a long time, the Advanced Intercompany Processes. If you cannot wait, then check out the magic in this system demo here already.Table of content (...
Expand table InformationResponse App name SAP S/4HANA ID WA200005087 Office 365 clients supported Microsoft Teams Partner company name SAP SE Company's website App's Terms of Use Core functionality of...