Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Pnyx:Areopagus,agora n.1.(Gr. Antiq.)The place at Athens where the meetings of the people were held for making decrees, etc. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...
普尼克斯山 Hill of the Pnyx *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!普尼克斯(Pnyx,希腊文:∏νυξ)是位于希腊首都雅典市中心的一座小山。它在雅典卫城西方不到一公里的地方,距现代雅典的中心宪法广场(Syntagma?Square)1.6公里。普尼克斯是古代雅典城邦公民议会聚会的地点,用以对法案进行投票或是驱逐成员。小山上面摆放着一块...
My goal is always the Pnyx, where the ancient Athenians assembled to debate. From Washington Post Macron gave that speech on the ancient Pnyx hill in Athens and delivered part of it in Greek. From The Guardian The day after his speech on the Pnyx, there was a lunch with Greek intellectua...
📍 雅典的Pnyx山是召开公民大会的场所。它位于雅典卫城西侧,靠近古市集。这里的演讲台被称为“Bema”,是在巨大的基岩上开凿出来的,正面长9米,有三个1.10米高的台阶,演讲者站在这里面对数千名公民发表演说。🌳 Pnyx山的地形呈阶梯状,自然形成了一个可容纳大量人群的开阔空间,方便进行集体活动。早期集会时,人们...
Pnyx是将“Pnyx"翻译成 土耳其文。 译文示例:Next door to the Acropolis is the actual site - the Pnyx - where this new democracy was put into practice. ↔ Akropolisi'nin bitişiğinde bulunan Pynx'de yeni demokrasi uygulamaya kondu. Pnyx proper A hill in Athens, the meeting-place ...
The Pnyx is a hill or hillside in central Athens, the capital of Greece. Beginning as early as 507 BC, the Athenians gathered on the Pnyx to host their popular assemblies, thus making the hill one of the earliest and most important sites in the creation of democracy. The Pnyx is located...
PNYX Ventures Investments Activity Date Round Company Amount New? Co-Investors Sources 9/10/2024 Pre-Seed t1 Protocol $2.5M Yes A16z Crypto,Amir Bandeali,Benedikt Bunz,Breed VC,Connor Howe,Eric Chan,Kartik Talwar,Kubi Mensah,Meltem Demirors,Sam Kazemian,andTokka Labs ...
照片 关于 雅典,希腊- 2014年4月20日:Pnyx纪念碑报告人的平台和岩石雕刻了亚典人公民步古老民主装配有看法到上城。雅典春天。. 图片 包括有 横向, 粒子, 雕刻 - 40274097
Pnyx是一款专为中小学生设计的虚拟选举Web应用程序(PHP / MySQL),让他们在老师的监督下在线提出建议并投票给他们最喜欢的人。立即获取 点赞 收藏 分享 用户评论 暂无评论 提交评论 推荐下载 Virtual Router Virtual Hadoop virtual cdrom virtual pc virtual lab Virtual Reality Virtual Camera virtual ...
Pnyx 🏛️ dYdX Governance & Staking Dashboard The Pnyx is a hill in central Athens, the capital of Greece. Beginning as early as 507 BC, Athenians gathered on the Pnyx to host their popular assemblies, thus making the hill one of the earliest and most important sites in the creation ...