Virtual store is at:../../../node_modules/.pnpm../../..|Progress:resolved398,reused355,downloaded0,added1,done../../../node_modules/.pnpm/electron@26.1.0/node_modules/electron:Running postinstall script,fAIledin21.5s.../node_modules/electron postinstall$ node install.js │ RequestError:...
pnpm version: v7.22.0 clone 项目代码之后,在 dev 分支根目录执行pnpm i命令报错: node_modules/.pnpm/nx@15.9.7/node_modules/nx: Running postinstall script, done in 375ms node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0.23.1/node_modules/esbuild: Running postinstall script, failed in 272ms .../esbuild@0.23.1...
When upgrading from version 7.18.2 to 7.19.0, pnpm install errors out when running the postinstall scripts with the following error: node:internal/child_process:413 throw errnoException(err, 'spawn'); ^ Error: spawn E2BIG at ChildProcess...
└─ Failed in 44.5s node_modules/.pnpm/vue-demi@0.14.7_vue@3.4.27/node_modules/vue-demi: Running postinstall script, done in 416ms ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1. 有时候用npm安装也会出现这样的错误,错误发生的原因好像是node的版本引起的, 我这里安装的是 18.19.0 32位版本...
pnpm version: 7.17 Code to reproduce the issue: pnpm add/install any dependency that has a post install script Expected behavior: should also run the postinsall scripts Actual behavior: waited for more than 30 mins, but no good luck. It ...
pnpm i gomplate ../../node_modules/.pnpm/gomplate@3.11.7/node_modules/gomplate: Running postinstall script, failed in 210ms .../node_modules/gomplate postinstall$ go-npm install │ Installation is not supported for this architecture: arm6...
pnpm version: 7.24.2 Code to reproduce the issue: pnpm install Expected behavior: All packages successfully installed Actual behavior: Get stuck in one of the postinstall scripts from a package Additional information: node -v prints: v16...
Running postinstall script, done in 87ms node_modules/@parcel/watcher: Running install script, failed in 1.7s node_modules/@parcel/watcher install$ node-gyp-build │ node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1042 │ throw err; │ ^ │ Error: Cannot find module '/Users/dzmvasilevsky/Work/TulaCo/crex...
node_modules/esbuild: Running postinstall script, done in 493ms ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1. I don't even understand why the error message says: Cannot find module 'C:\dev\repos\azdo-tfs-glo-lexisadvance\ProjectX.Client\node-gyp-build@4.6.0\node_modules\node-gyp-bu...
node_modules/.pnpm Downloading 11.4 MB/11.4 MB, done node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0.14.54/node_modules/esbuild: Running postinstall script, done in 76ms Progress: resolved 430, reused 199, downloaded 210, added 409, done dependencies: + fresh <- 1.0.2...