caililin3楼•5 个月前
Studio NEXT Developer Beta1 版本在无网络环境下新建项目,提示npm.cmd install,pnpm execute failed ...
konnte nicht gefunden werden. node_modules/tree-sitter-json install: Failed node_modules/tree-sitter-yaml install: Der Befehl "node-gyp" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder node_modules/tree-sitter-yaml install: konnte nicht gefunden werden. node_modules/tree-sitter-yaml install: Failed node_modul...
.../node_modules/canvas install: gyp ERR! stack Error:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exefailed with exit code: 1 .../node_modules/canvas install: gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess. (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v22.12.0\node...
Builds failed with following error, and issue auto fixed in the coming builds. 2023-06-27 02:23:00,484 INFO d.h.c.e.Executor [Thread-38] stdout: [exec] Checking installation in "/opt/workspace/build/commerce-suite/hybris/bin/modules/smartedit/smartedit
ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1. 这是一个由 pnpm 导致的问题,起初没有使用含有 sqllite3 的模块,构建是没有问题的,使用了 sqllite3 之后,在 electron-builder 进行构建时显示 xxx\pnpm.cjs 不是一个合法的 Win32 应用。 pnpm.cjs 文件上方有一个 shebang (#!开头 ):...
这里报错是什么原因,这种方式没有用的 2023-06-11 13:06来自北京
安装使用pnpm 出现以下错误 command failed: pnpm install --reporter silent --shamefully-hoist --registry= 😕 1 👀 1 Author king-open commented Aug 28, 2022 Follow the tips my friend gave me mkdir back && cd back && pnpm init && vue create . still wro...