:( ESLint: 8.53.0 Error: Cannot find package 'C:\Users\Victor\upleveled\testing-projects\next-js-example-winter-2024-atvie\node_modules\.pnpm\eslint-config-upleveled@8.0.0_@babel+core@7.24.4_@types+eslint@8.56.7_@types+node@20.12.4_@ty_lxumkk76msp4b3xunkneyh2dsu\node_modules\@...
Have a launch config as linked where the runtimeExecutable is set to npm, yarn, or pnpm "runtimeExecutable":"${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/electron","windows": {"runtimeExecutable":"${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/electron.cmd"}, ...
@andrecasalcalled it. I've been fighting with this for days because it's my first time deploying a Vercel app using Remix and Nx 😩 Turns out it wasn't due to Nx or pnpm... it was just those missing files. The docs say you can usenpx remix revealto bring them back. For some ...
After distributing the executable to another machine and executing it, I get the following output: chris@chris-remote:~/Storage/tempoServer$ ./tempo-server-linux pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1185 throw error; ^ Error: Cannot find module '/snapshot/tempoServer/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node...