$script=Get-Clipboard-RawAdd-PnPSiteScript-Title"Apply PnP Site Template"-Content$scriptGet-PnPSiteScript 将会看到包含一个或多个网站脚本的列表,包括刚刚创建的网站脚本。 选择所创建的网站脚本的 ID,并将它复制到剪贴板。 使用以下命令创建网站设计: ...
Get-PnpDevice[[-InstanceId] <String[]>] [-Class <String[]>] [-PresentOnly] [-Status <String[]>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Get-PnpDevice[-FriendlyName <String[]>] [-Class <String[]>] [-PresentOnly] [-Status...
Get-PnpDevice[[-InstanceId] <String[]>] [-Class <String[]>] [-PresentOnly] [-Status <String[]>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Get-PnpDevice[-FriendlyName <String[]>] [-Class <String[]>] [-PresentOnly] [-Status...
Get-PnPSiteTemplate-Out"PnP-Provisioning-File.xml" –Out参数指示 cmdlet 将在哪里保存预配模板。 根据你在 cmdlet 中使用的扩展名(目前我们支持 .xml 和.pnp),提取并保存模板的结果是一个文件。 如果你选择将模板另存为 XML 文件,则其外观将如下所示(请注意,该模板不完整并且只是 XML 结构的一个示例): ...
The user-mode components call back to kernel mode to get the drivers loaded, causing theirAddDeviceroutines to be called. The following figure shows the PnP manager loading the drivers (if appropriate), calling theirAddDeviceroutines, and directing the drivers to start the device. ...
Setup is installing the devices by using Plug and Play IDs that have been enumerated by Windows Plug and Play. Setup searches a predefined path on the drive, looking in .inf files to find the best match for the Plug and Play ID of the device. By default, this path is defined ...
Hi, I m trying to save a Communication site as a template ( XML) and then trying to resue it to apply to another site as described in the...
A built in device id consisting of product id, version id, and the serial number. It is mandatory for all the messages that get exchanged between the PnP agent and the PnP server. username Login username for the device and is applicable for all the messages that are sent from the PnP ...
使用Get-PnPFolder命令获取文件夹权限。使用以下命令获取指定文件夹的权限信息: 其中,"/sites/yoursite/Shared Documents/FolderName"是要获取权限的文件夹的路径。 执行命令后,将显示文件夹的权限信息,包括用户和组的访问权限。 使用Get-PnPFolder命令可以帮助管理员和开发人员了解SharePoint文件夹的权限设置,以便...
_ sender:AnyObject) { 66 67 Alamofire.request(https://httpbin.org/get, method:.get,...