若要避免并发问题(不在单个线程中运行计时器作业),请在计时器作业中使用 GetAllSubSites 方法。下面的代码演示如何在计时器作业中使用 GetAllSubSites 方法:C# 复制 public class SiteCollectionScopedJob: TimerJob { public SiteCollectionScopedJob() : base("SiteCollectionScopedJob")...
1.设定Site URL和Library的参数,如下: $SiteURL= "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/demo" $ListName= "Training" 1. 2. 2.连接SPO Site,如下所示: Connect-PnPOnline-URL $SiteURL -Interactive 1. 3.获取Web和Library,如下所示: $Web= Get-PnPWeb $List= Get-PnPList -Identity $ListName 1....
PnP 框架库 (于 2021 年 1 月发布为 1.0) 是 CSOM 和名为 PnP Sites Core 的旧库的演变, (现已停用并存档) 。 PnP 框架库面向 .NET Standard 2.0 和 .NET 5.0/6.0/7.0,因此你可以在 Windows、Linux、MacOS) 的任何 (平台上以及任何基于云的服务(如 Azure 应用服务、Azure Functions、容器等)上使用...
Microsoft 365 Dev PnP Core component (.NET) targeted for increasing developer productivity with CSOM based solutions. - PnP-Sites-Core/Core/OfficeDevPnP.Core/Extensions/VariationExtensions.cs at master · pnp/PnP-Sites-Core
$FolderServerRelativePath = "/sites/sitename/libraryname/foldername*" #Connect to PnP Online Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Credentials (Get-Credential) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 执行结果如下所示: #Get all files from folder
$pnp.sp.web.get().then(function(web) {varcurrentWeb =web; }); $pnp.sp.web.ensureUser("123@test.com").then(function(user) {varu =user;varuserId=user.data.Id; }); $pnp.sp.web.getUserById(1).get().then(function(user){ console.log(user) });varbatch ...
Affected Command: Register-PnPAzureADApp -ApplicationName "testapp" -Tenant $TenantURL -Interactive -GraphApplicationPermissions Directory.Read.All,Group.ReadWrite.All,Sites.ReadWrite.All,User.ReadWrite.All,Tasks.Read.All -SharePointDele...
使用axios直接post django的接口的时候会提示CSRF 403错误 可以在post的data中转入csrftoken 也可以给单个...
Thanks for the reply. but i want to use Microsoft Search as it is more future proof, am i correct? Also the built-in manged property that get created automatically for site columns are not sortable ad we can not edit them to make them sortable, so i need to add the...