To protect species, we need to know where they are, but high-resolution maps for vascular plants are lacking at a global scale. Here, I produce high-resolution native range maps for vascular plants at the species-level usinginformaticsapproaches that enable accurate assessment of biogeography patte...
concentrations of 50 to ≤200 mg Cl−/L are classified as slightly polluted by salts, and concentrations of 200 to 400 mg Cl−/L are classified as moderately polluted by salts, while the drinking water guideline is 250 mg Cl−/L across much of Europe [e.g., Sweden (23)]. At ...
The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: ...
designed research, performed research, today, the long-lived heating systems continue to make indoor analyzed data, and wrote the paper. heating much more common in the north. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This paper finds that the Huai River policy had dramatic This article...
atspecifiedfrequencies.Theauthorsmeasuredtheintensityofthe vibrationsasfunctionsoftimeanddepthintothenail.Because thebondsindeuteratedcompoundsvibrateatdistinctfrequencies fromcompoundscontainingnormalhydrogen,thedeuterated solventscouldbedistinguishedfromthenondeuteratedker- atininthenails.Theauthorsfoundthatwaterpenetrated...
Conflict of interest statement: The authors are employees of and own equity in Human Longevity Inc. Data deposition: Access to genome data is possible through a managed access agreement ( This article contains supporting information online...
Finally, we investigated how variation in predation rates (surrogate of natural control) cascades to within-field weed and pest abundances, hence their regulation. 增加景观异质性被认为是加强作物自然病虫害控制的重要策略,特别是通过增加半自然栖息地的数量。在半自然栖息地稀缺的情况下,增加作物多样性也是一...
pnas.2100436118#con3">Matthias Baumann, +7, and f="">Tobias Kuemmerle Info & ...
Establishingthetimescaleofearlylandplantevolutionisessential fortestinghypothesesonthecoevolutionoflandplantsand Earth’sSystem.Thesparsenessofearlylandplantmegafossilsand stratigraphiccontrolsontheirdistributionmakethefossilrecord anunreliableguide,leavingonlythemolecularclock.However, theapplicationofmolecularclockmethodolog...
membrane proteinsby≥7-bpWatson–Crickpairing.Whenfusedtoanunre- latedsRNA,the5′domainissufficienttoguidetargetmRNAdeg- radationandmaintainσ E -dependentenvelopehomeostasis.RybB sitesinmRNAsareoftenconservedandflankedby3′adenosine. Theyarefoundinawidesequencewindowrangingfromtheup- streamuntranslated...