Hex RGB HSL #041e42 foreground A painting is never finished - it simply stops in interesting places.Paul Gardner … #041e42 background I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.Frida Kahlo … #041e42 shadow The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble...
Hex RGB HSL #2d2926 foreground Every good painter paints what he is.Jackson Pollock … #2d2926 background The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.Alberto Giacometti … #2d2926 shadow If a man devotes himself to art, much evil is a...
This page shows PMS color Black 7 C. This PMS color is in the Basic colors category, part of the Coated color system.
Pantone / PMS 419 C / #212322 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #212322 is a very dark shade of green-cyan. In the RGB color model #212322 is composed of 12.94% red, 13.73% green and 13.33% blue. In the HSL color space #212322 has a hue of 150° (degrees), 3% ...
Pantone / PMS 2612 C / #772583 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #772583 is a medium dark shade of magenta. In the RGB color model #772583 is composed of 46.67% red, 14.51% green and 51.37% blue. In the HSL color space #772583 has a hue of 292° (degrees), 56% ...
PMS032C是潘通色卡里面的颜色值,PMS是PANTONE MATCH SYSTEM的缩写;032C是色号;C是指亮光面,即印出来是发亮能反光的。 PMS032C是PANTONE C/U 色卡中的一个基本色——红色。 一般色卡会写得有PANTONE这几个字,印刷常用色彩之一,出版社称为“专色”的其中一种,因为这个色彩系统中的颜色不能用四色印刷实现。如果...
Just input the individual color values for your color of choice. You can enter red/green/blue or cyan/magenta/yellow/black. You can also enter HSV (hue, saturation and value) numbers or the hex code of a color you might use on a website. Any close-matching PMS colors will be displaye...
At Pantone.com they have a free color converter. You can switch from PMS to CMYK in a flash. They also offer Pantone books to sRGB or HEX codes as well. This is what it looks like:Remember when you’re printing, you’ll want to use CMYK or Grayscale (for B&W) when you upload yo...
Color Space Conversions Decimal 2893868 Binary 00101100, 00101000, 00101100 Hexadecimal #2c282c LRV ≈ 2.2% Closest short hex #222 ΔE = 4.833 RGB rgb(44, 40, 44) RGBA rgba(44, 40, 44, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.18364, G: 0.17344, B: 0.18693 / #2f2c30 ΔE = 1.834 rg ...
… Color Charts RGB CMYK RYBColor Space Conversions Decimal 2929805 Binary 00101100, 10110100, 10001101 Hexadecimal #2cb48d LRV ≈ 35.1% Closest short hex #2b9 ΔE = 3.076 RGB rgb(44, 180, 141) RGBA rgba(44, 180, 141, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.41952, G: 0.70001, B: 0.55517 /...