Search PMS color code : What is the color of code 361 C ? Logo color picker : Find the PMS color on an image Image color picker: Find the color on an image, support CMYK, RGB, HEX HTML/CSS color names : Color name list RGB to PMS colors : Convert RGB color code to PMS color ...
Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #caa596 hex color code.
Color Space Conversions Decimal 2894121 Binary 00101100, 00101001, 00101001 Hexadecimal #2c2929 LRV ≈ 2.3% Closest short hex #222 ΔE = 3.949 RGB rgb(44, 41, 41) RGBA rgba(44, 41, 41, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.18458, G: 0.17695, B: 0.17693 / #2f2d2d ΔE = 1.837 rg ...
If you've printed RGB and it looks weird, you'll want to learn about converting Pantone to CMYK ASAP! PMS to CMYK isn't as hard as you think!
Color Space Conversions Decimal 7808387 Binary 01110111, 00100101, 10000011 Hexadecimal #772583 LRV ≈ 6.9% Closest short hex #728 ΔE = 1.167 RGB rgb(119, 37, 131) RGBA rgba(119, 37, 131, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.40529, G: 0.16296, B: 0.5006 / #672a80 ΔE = 3.636 rg ...
Adjustable wrench Socket wrench Hex key Box-end wrench (6″) M4/M6/M8/M12 M6/M8/M12 Torque wrench Solid wrench Cotton cloth Label (28 mm) (12#/13#/18#)2024-03-15 4 PMSHardware Installation Guide 2 Installation Preparations Electric Hand drill (Φ3/ Hammer drill Heat gun screwdriver Φ...
Exact Matching Paints 2126 CP Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Lascaux ★ Cobalt blue / 143#2e4a9a ΔE = 1.093 / LRV ≈ 7.8% ProMarker ★ Royal Blue#2c4697 ΔE = 1.236 / LRV ≈ 7.1% HKS ★ 43#2d4b9b ΔE = 1.451 / LRV ≈ 8.0% Pantone / PMS ★ Reflex Blue U#3a499c ΔE =...
PMS032C是什么里面的颜色值啊·· PMS:PANTONE MATCH SYSTEM,潘通色卡,英文名为 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM (缩写为PMS),是国际通灶含用的色彩沟通系统,已经成为事实上的国际色彩哗清标... 采购正品sgm2032上万联芯城,终端客户享账期 万联芯城供应sgm2032正品现货,拥有百人专业团队, 可为终端客户提供FAE支持/样品...
Just input the individual color values for your color of choice. You can enter red/green/blue or cyan/magenta/yellow/black. You can also enter HSV (hue, saturation and value) numbers or the hex code of a color you might use on a website. Any close-matching PMS colors will be displaye...
#2c282c HTML / CSS Code Examples Hex RGB HSL #2c282c foreground The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep.Paul Strand … #2c282c background To be an artist is to believe in life.Henry...