执行(Executing):按照项目管理计划执行项目活动,确保项目按时、按质量和按成本完成。 监控与控制(Monitoring and Controlling):监控项目的进度、质量、成本、风险等方面,并采取相应的控制措施。 收尾(Closing):结束项目,评估项目的绩效,并总结和记录项目的经验教训。 除了上述的项目管理知识领域和过程组,PMI还提供了一系...
monitoring and controlling processes. These are done in tandem with execution through monitoring and controlling. We look at the results of work that we want to control and make sure things are in alignment with our project plan. So we monitor and control the project's work. We have ...
A :将任务分配给团队、监督和控制项目工作 Assigning tasks to the team, monitoring and controlling project work B :管理产品待办事项列表中指定的用户故事和任务 Managing user stories and tasks specified in the product backlog C : 为团队设定方向,提供指导,促进工作 Setting the direction for the team, ...
executing, monitoring and controlling, closing之类的话,ACP的要写Scrum, Agile之类的,...
The processes performed to elicit, analyze, model, define, verify, validate, prioritize, and approve all types of product information, ranging from backlogs to user stories and requirements to constraints. Monitoring and Controlling. The processes performed on an ongoing basis to assess the impact ...
Monitoring and Controlling Closing These categories are congruent to the Project lifecycle phases. The Initiation category accounts for 13% of the PMP exam questions. Planning category takes 24 %. Executing accounts for the highest number of questions, which represents 30 %. Monitoring and Controlling...
The five domains of questions that the PMP focuses on are as follows: Initiating (13%), Planning (24%), Executing (31%), Monitoring and Controlling (25%), and Closing (7%). PMI has released an Exam Content Guide with detailed information about each domain, which you can accesshere. ...
The PMI Auto-tuning system is divided into two sections, each with its own user interface and PC: 自动优调分为2部分, 使用各自的电脑及用户界面: 1. EMS MOP (Engine Monitoring System Main Operating Panel) contains the PMI Auto-tuning andCoCoS-EDS programs for logging, monitoring and analysis ...
The PMI Auto-tuning system is divided into two sections, each with its own user interface and PC: 自动优调分为2部分, 使用各自的电脑及用户界面: 1. EMS MOP (Engine Monitoring System Main Operating Panel) contains the PMI Auto-tuning andCoCoS-EDS programs for logging, monitoring and analysis ...
The PMP assessment consists of 200 questions and will test you on several domains related to project management. They are: Initiation of the project Planning and outlining the processes Executing the steps Monitoring and controlling the tasks that take place ...