本帖最后由 szrock 于 2021-1-13 21:51 编辑 COD9 联机补丁和本土下载:https://forum.plutonium....
- 可以游玩很多你在正版没有玩过的模式/地图。众所周知,PC上的使命召唤在过了生命周期(一般只有一年) 后一般只有Team Deathmatch模式以及关闭DLC地图才能匹配到人玩,想玩别的模式/DLC地图可谓是是难上加难,而PT6上有很多GunGame等模式的服务器。 各种各样的游戏模式 (这是服务器列表) - 可以使用Mod客户端可以...
cod的文艺复兴pl..该平台我看了一下可以bo2 mw3,然后添加他们的补丁,实现联机,ol的图都基本有在里面3楼楼中楼是该平台连接老被吞楼 ,在这个基本没有代替ol游戏的时候,这个估计是可以缓一缓老哥们
就想跳槽去试试新版本的cod僵尸模式。 疗养院有电网和饮料机,但是后期cd一到还是难逃一死,甚至守的波次还没亡者之夜多。 玩到cod7第一张图剧院的时候感觉四通八达,我身法不好,又不熟悉新枪械新系统新机关被狠狠的薄纱,上手体验感觉 分享4214 cartoonnetwork吧 萌萌☆萌萌 【Catoon Network】飞天小女警-The ...
gamecodbatchcall-of-dutyplutoniumplutonium-legacy-installerblack-ops-2bo2bo2-client UpdatedAug 13, 2022 Batchfile framilano/PlutoniumLinuxHosting Star10 Simple installation and configuration for a Plutonium Server on Linux linuxgamingserverhostplutonium ...
mw2 cod linker cod4 mw3 call-of-duty plutonium iw3 fastfile callofduty plutoniumiw5 iw5 modernwarfare callofduty4 iw4x iw4 zonetool fastfile-linker Updated Nov 14, 2021 C++ ineedbots / iw5_bot_warfare Star 119 Code Issues Pull requests The Bot Warfare mod for MW3 game bot...
In this paper, the results of 238Pu and 239+240Pu determinations in four representative species of Baltic fish collected in Gdansk Bay: flounder, herring, cod and sprat, are presented and discussed. The plutonium isotopes are amongst the more radiotoxic nuclides. In the marine environment, the...
The spearhead behind the recent Black Ops 2 movement has been COD world champion Chris “Parasite” Duarte. The current amateur player won his world championship on Black Ops 2, so it makes sense he would want to return. Last month, he let fans know about a fan-made mod that allows play...
Results showed that a proportion of female perch in the CEZ displayed either a failure or delay in maturation of the gonads.[150] Similar studies found large accumulations of plutonium in the respiratory and digestive organs of cod, flounder and herring.[148] Plutonium toxicity is just as ...
- 可以游玩很多你在正版没有玩过的模式/地图。众所周知,PC上的使命召唤在过了生命周期(一般只有一年) 后一般只有Team Deathmatch模式以及关闭DLC地图才能匹配到人玩,想玩别的模式/DLC地图可谓是是难上加难,而PT6上有很多GunGame等模式的服务器。 各种各样的游戏模式 (这是服务器列表) - 可以使用Mod客户端可以...