T6 Multiplayer 多人对战 T6 Zombies 僵尸模式 启动游戏 点击ONLINE SERVER BROWSER 服务器浏览 延迟最低的那个就是我的服务器 服务器里面有10个bot 进人踢bot 退出加bot 自定义游戏 禁用反作弊启动 点击小方块调成LAN模式。 禁用了反作弊后您就可以使用辅助了。 详细说明见官方文档:plutonium.pw/docs/anticheat/...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies - Reimagined codmodhudgameserveroverhaulplutoniumgsccallofdutyplutoniumt6t6bo2blackops2 UpdatedMar 10, 2025 GSC The Bot Warfare mod for MW3 gamebotgamesaibotsgamingcodmultiplayermodgameservermodificationmw3call-of-dutyplutoniumgsccallofdutyplutoniumiw5iw5modernwarfare...
The spearhead behind the recent Black Ops 2 movement has been COD world champion Chris “Parasite” Duarte. The current amateur player won his world championship on Black Ops 2, so it makes sense he would want to return. Last month, he let fans know about a fan-made mod that allows play...
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