plural endingis -es: axis ==> axes 🔹If the noun ends inypreceded bya consonant,change the'y'into'i'then add'es.' Examples :city ==> citieslady ==> ladies 🔹 If some nouns end in "f" or "fe" change the "f" and " fe" to "ves". Example :calf ==> calves 🔹 Some ...
4. Nouns ending in “-f” or “-fe” For some nouns ending in“-f”or“-fe,”you change the ending to“-ves”to form the plural. However, there are exceptions to this rule, so it’s essential to learn each case individually: Leaf → leaves Wife → wives Roof → roofs (exception...
Definition of Plural Nouns Examples of Plural Nouns Rules for Forming Plurals Regular Plurals Irregular Plurals Plurals of Compound Words Exceptions in Plural Formation Nouns ending in -f or -fe Nouns ending in -o Irregular Plurals Nouns with the Same Singular and Plural Forms Singular and Plural ...
For nouns ending in t, c, d, s, v. For nouns ending in a y. 3. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt When do we use the suffix -ies? For all nouns that end in a consonant. For nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x, & z. For nouns ending in a y (with a consonant before the y). ...
Change The Ending To “-ies” Add An “-S” To Some Nouns Ending With “Y” Add An “-es” To Words Ending With “-o” Add An “-i” To Nouns Ending In “-us” Change Word That End In “-is” to “-es” Add An “-a” To Nouns Ending With “-on” ...
singular noun - y + ies = plural noun baby -> babies party -> parties paddy -> paddies hobby -> hobbies lady -> ladies ferry -> ferries sherry -> sherries dandy -> dandies etc. Irregular Noun Plural Forms - Nouns Ending in SH, Ch, S, X, or Z ...
Plural Form of Nouns Ending in -y quiz for 2nd grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!
Rule 4: For some nouns ending in -o, add -es .以o结尾的名词,加es。 e.g. tomatoespotatoesheroesmangoes Some words don't follow this rule . 有一些词不遵循这个规则,直接加s变成复数。 e.g. pianos, photos Rule 5:For...
While many plural nouns follow the above rule, the spelling sometimes differs. Here are some examples: a. Nouns that end in-ch,x,s, z,ors-likesounds; Nouns ending in -ch, -x, -s, -z, or s-like sounds require an “es” for the plural, as seen in witch to witches or box to...
For words ending in ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ’s’, and ‘x’, we add-es Singular (1)Plural (2+) brushbrushes churchchurches kisskisses boxboxes Nouns Ending in ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ’s’, and ‘x’ For words ending in ‘z’, we double the z and add-es. ...