Nouns ending in a consonant y - y ies a storystories Nouns ending in s sh ch or x es a glassglasses a watch-watches Nouns ending in o s or es a pianopianos a mangomangoes Nouns ending in f or fe - f or fe ves a knife –knives a shelf-shelves 4不可数名词 单复数形式不变 bre...
Nouns ending in f or fe: f/fe -> ves (例如:half -> halves, knife -> knives) 英语名词复数形式的规则总结如下: * 大多数名词直接加 -s 构成复数形式,例如 cake -> cakes。 * 以辅音字母加 -y 结尾的名词,将 -y 改为 -ies 构成复数形式,例如 story -> stories。 * 以 s, sh, ch 或 x...
If a noun ends in“-y”and is preceded by a consonant, change the“-y”to“-ies”to make it plural. However, if the“-y”follows a vowel, just add“-s”: Baby → babies City → cities Key → keys Day → days 4. Nouns ending in “-f” or “-fe” For some nouns ending in...
Rule 4: For some nouns ending in -o, add -es .以o结尾的名词,加es。 e.g. tomatoespotatoesheroesmangoes Some words don't follow this rule . 有一些词不遵循这个规则,直接加s变成复数。 e.g. pianos, photos Rule 5:For...
c. If the noun ends in F or Fe, change F or FE to V, and add - ES.knife wife thief shelfknives wives thieves shelves d. If the noun ends in Y preceded by a consonant, change Y to I; and add -ES(ies)fly baby country
there are some exceptions.Most nouns十s cake→cakes大多数名词加s蛋糕Nouns ending in以辅音字母+去 y,一y+ies story→stories故事 a consonant+y y结尾的名词加ies bus→buses公共汽车以s、 sh、 ch Nouns ending in wish→wishes愿望+es或x结尾的加es s, sh, ch or x match→matches比赛名词box→...
Nouns ending in -o Most nouns ending in -o form their plurals by adding -es to the singular. However, there are some exceptions. Here are a few: Singular NounPlural Noun piano pianos photo photos halo halos zero zeros Irregular Plurals There are some nouns that have irregular plural forms...
Nouns ending in -ch, -x, -s, -z, or s-like sounds require an “es” for the plural, as seen in witch to witches or box to boxes. More than one witch = witches More than one box = boxes More than one gas = gases More than one bus = buses ...
Most nouns大多数名词+Scake→cakes加s蛋糕Nouns ending以辅音字in a-y+iesstorystories母加y结尾consonant + y去y,加 ies故事的名词bus→busesNouns endingin S,wish→wishes以s,sh,ch公交车sh, ch or x+esmatch→matches或x结尾加es祝福box→boxes的名词火柴盒子photo→photosNouns ending in o+S or以o...
SingularBoyPlayMonkeyHolidayTray PluralBoysPlaysMonkeysHolidaysTrays IFTHENOUNSENDIN“-Y”ANDAREPRECEDEDBYACONSONANT,“-Y”FALLSDOWNANDWEADD“-IES”singularLorryLadyDiscoveryBaby PluralLorriesLadiesDiscoveriesBabies IFTHENOUNSEND“-F”OR“-FE,”THESESOUNDSCHANGETO“-VES”SingularKnifeHalfLeafLifeShelfWife ...