Most plural nouns in English ___“s”. 试题答案 在线课程 答案:ends in 练习册系列答案 高分计划系列答案 高效测评单元测评系列答案 高效测评小学升学全真模拟试卷系列答案 高效复习系列答案 高效课堂小升初毕业总复习系列答案 高效期末复习系列答案 高效期末...
The normal method for making nouns plural is to add an “-s” at the end of the noun. If a noun ends in “-s,”“-x,”“-z,” or with a cluster of consonants, such as “-sh”, “-ch”, or “-tch” (as in “watch”), we add “-es” to render it plural. ...
The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding s to a singular noun. Example: lamp,lamps; cat,cats; fork, forks; flower, flowers; pen, pens Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns chair star farm storm door rock owner paper cup bear Rule #2 Nouns ending in s, z, ...
If a noun ends with a sound that doesn’t slide smoothly into an “s” sound, you add “-es.” This happens a lot with words that end in sibilant sounds like “-sh,”“-ch,”“-x,”“-z,” and “-s.” For example, “church” becomes “churches.”“Buzz” becomes “buzzes....
Singular, Plural西班牙语词语单复数变形规律 SINGULAR-PLURAL -vowel(a,e,i,o,u)•Ifanounendsinavowel,makeitpluralbyadding-s.ellibro:loslibroslasilla:lassillaselniño:losniñoslamesa:lasmesas -consonant(b,d,f,p,t,…)•Ifanounendsinaconsonant,makeitpluralbyadding-es.elautobús:losautobusesla...
Zeus's warnings The namesJesusandMosesare always made possessive with the apostrophe alone: Jesus' disciples Moses' law Silent Ending Letters The usual way to show possession with a name that ends in a silents,z, orxis with-'s. Didier Deschamps's career ...
英语中不规则名词复数(The plural of irregular nouns in English).doc,英语中不规则名词复数(The plural of irregular nouns in English) English irregular nouns Classification 1. ends with f or Fe: most of the nouns ending in f or Fe are converted to ves in
1 quiz – 2 quizzes When the noun ends inCONSONANT + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES to the noun. 1 city – 2 cities 1 baby – 2 babies 1 story – 2 stories 1 country – 2 countries Note when a noun ends in...
Plural last name ending in “z” How do you refer to two people with the last name Valdez. Is it “the Valdezes” or “Valdez’s” are coming for dinner? Posted bymary Filed inGrammar 27comments Share on Facebook Share on Twitter ...
When a word ends in-For-FE, we change theFtoVand add-ES. SINGULARPLURAL leaf leaves/livz/ half halves /hævz, hɑvz/ life lives /laɪvz/ /lɪvz/ self selves /sɛlvz/ thief thieves /θivz/ scarf scarves /skɑrvz/