When the noun ends in a “-y” and it is preceded by a consonant, we change “y” to “i” and add “-es.” However, when a word ends in a “-y” preceded by avowel, then we simply add an “-s” as usual. There are some nouns that are irregular. They do not adhere to...
In fact, if you can remember that the Spanish plural is formed by making sure the plural word ends withspreceded by an unaccented vowel, usuallye, you've taken care of nearly all of what you'll have to learn. Most of what's left is learning the few exceptions as well as the spelli...
When the noun ends in a “-y” and it is preceded by a consonant, we change “y” to “i” and add “-es.” However, when a word ends in a “-y” preceded by a vowel, then we simply add an “-s” as usual. There are some nouns that are irregular. They do not adhere...
The rules for forming the plural of adjectives are simple: when the word ends in a vowel, ansis added; when it ends in a consonant,esis added. In... Learn more about this topic: Adjective Agreement in Spanish | Forms & Example Sentences ...
We alsouse this ending when the word ends in avowelsound(e.g. bees, flies etc.) Examples of words ending in the /z/ sound: B: crabs, rubs D: cards, words, rides, ends G: rugs, bags, begs L: deals calls, falls, ...
making singular nouns plural. Most nouns, you simply add an 's' but if the word ends in 's...
With the word Quiz, we double the finalZin plural form before adding the -ES. 1 quiz – 2 quizzes When the noun ends inCONSONANT + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES to the noun. 1 city – 2 cities 1 baby ...
When a word ends in -ión, drop the accent over that last “o” when the word becomes plural. Take a look at these examples:SingularPlural el avión (the plane) los aviones (the planes) la conversación (the conversation) las conversaciones (the conversations) la sección (the section) ...
When a word ends in –f or –fe, we change the f to v and add –es.leaf → leaves life → lives calf → calvesHowever, if there are two terminal fs or if you still pronounce the f in the plural, then you simply add an –s:...
The correct spelling of plurals usually depends on what letter the singular form of a noun ends in. 1 To make most regular nouns plural, add –s: thing – things year – years way – ways school – schools 2 To make nouns that end in j, s, sh, x, z, or a soft ch (as in ...