Top PL/SQL Interview Questions with Examples to Help You Prepare For The Upcoming Interview: What is PL/SQL? PL/SQL (Procedural Language/SQL) is basically a procedural extension of Oracle – SQL. PL/SQL helps the user to develop complex database applications using control structures, procedures...
In my previous articles I have explained theSQL interview questions ,BI Interview questionswhich will give the best idea about the question that may ask in interview. In this article i will try to explain most important PL/SQL Interview Questions that may ask in interview.PL/SQL is the Proced...
PL/ SQL procedure is the block of code written for the purpose of reuse when required and has certain business logic written inside it, which may involve conditional execution or repetitive code execution in it. PLSQL procedure is stored in Oracle databases as the schema object and the block ...
PL/SQL is extensively used with the Oracle database. Thanks to the additional functionalities of PL/SQL, it extends the reach of the Oracle database. Though PL/SQL is closely related to SQL, it still has some additional features that are not available in SQL. Why is PL/SQL so widely ...
工具/原料 PLSQL Developer oracle 基本操作 1 首先确保有oracle数据库或者有oracle服务器,然后才能使用PLSQL Developer连接数据库。 2 启动PLSQL Developer,登陆oracle用户账号后连接(这里不详细介绍如何配置tnsname.ora)了。 3 登陆成功后即可进入对象浏览器窗口界面 4 在对象浏览器选择“my object...1.5...
Check out the top PL/SQL Interview Questions to learn what is expected from SQL professionals! Inserting PL/SQL Records into the Database Using a single variable of type RECORD or percent ROWTYPE in the VALUES clause instead of a list of columns, you may insert records into database rows ...
Lifetime access to downloadable Oracle PL/SQL course materials, interview questions and project resources. Oracle Certification training in chennai Of course, our oracle certification is one of the recognized certification which will be provided to the candidates who completes the project, mock assessm...
You can use it to practise and improve your Oracle PLSQL skills. You can use it as an online Oracle PLSQL training tool for students and teachers. You can use it as an online tool for Oracle PLSQL exercises and interview preparation. ...
Oracle 8i Examples Some of the examples showing the usage of mod function in PL/SQL are given below: Example #1 Code: DECLAREMod_number num1 :=33;Mod_number num2 :=2;BEGINdbms_output.put_line(MOD(Mod_number num1,Mod_number num2));END; ...
一、说明 1、在配置之前一定要先安装oracle客户端,安装步骤见百度经验: 2、如果本地机器即安装了oracle和oracle客户端,在配置的时候由于两个文件目录下都有Net Manager,所以注意不要进错: 二、配置步骤及效果 1、步骤 2、效果 三、plsql同步...