1_ORACLE 面试题及其答案(1_ORACLE interview questions and answers) 1_ORACLE 面试题及其答案(1_ORACLE interview questions and answers) 21. How do I determine the time zone for the database? Answer: SELECT, DBTIMEZONE, FROM, DUAL; 22. Explain the usefulness of GLOBAL_NAMES as TRUE Answer: ...
It ensure the use of consistent naming conventions for databases and links in a networked environment. 3. What command would you use to encrypt a PL/SQL application? WRAP 4. Explain the difference between a FUNCTION, PROCEDURE and PACKAGE. They are all named PL/SQL blocks. Function must retu...
SQL> select * from v$version; The command returns the release information, such as the following:Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release9. ProductionPL/SQL Release9. ProductionCORE9. for 32-bit Windows: Version9. ProductionNLSRTL Version9. Product...
一:SQL tuning 类 1:列举几种表连接方式 hash join/ 用于equi-join, 耗CPU(hash计算),效率最高,因为只要对两张表扫描一次。一般用 于一张小表和一张大表进行join. sort-m oracle 职场 休闲 oracle 面试题 转载精选 高级devops 2011-11-23 17:16:12 ...
● 隐式游标是在执行插入(insert)、删除(delete)、修改(update)和返回单条记录的查询(select)语句时由PL/SQL自动定义的。 ● 显式游标的操作:打开游标、操作游标、关闭游标;PL/SQL隐式地打开SQL游标,并在它内部处理SQL语句,然后关闭它。 4、Oracle中字符串用什么连接?
12 :: In PL/SQL, what is bulk binding, and when/how would it help performance? Oracle's SQL and PL/SQL engines are separate parts of the kernel which require context switching, like between unix processes. This is slow, and uses up resources. If we loop on an SQL statement, we are...
1.Oracle跟SQL Server 2005的区别?宏观上:1). 最大的区别在于平台,oracle可以运行在不同的平台上,sql server只能运行在windows平台上,由于windows平台的稳定性和安全性影响了sql server的稳定性和安全性2).oracle使用的脚本语言为PL-SQL,而sql server使用的脚本为T-SQL微观上: 从数据类型,数据库... ...
Oracle APEX interview questions – APEX-related examples: What is Page Zero in Oracle APEX? What are Collections in APEX? Could you give some usage examples? What would you call APEX Items in APEX, in PL/SQL, and in JS? How would you connect an Oracle APEX application to Active Directory...
17. Oracle PL-SQL 18. Oracle Programmatic Constructs19. Oracle Scenarios20. Oracle Security21. Oracle Technology Network (OTN)22. SQL Plus SAMPLE QUESTIONS Q. ) Explain When can hash cluster used?Ans: Hash clusters are useful in cases where :(i) There is a uniform, even and predictable ...
I am jagadees, I studied Oracle sql /plsql in this centre. very good caring and experience staffs.The yRead More. Social Media Ratings About Us Established in 1999and is located in Chennai, India and the institute is recognized from Oracle Corporation as a leader in Training of Oracle Admi...