# Option 2: Using the patchwork package p1 <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == 'Fair') %>% ggplot(aes(x = carat, y = price)) + geom_point() + labs(title = 'Cut: Fair') + theme_bw() p2 <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == 'Good') %>% ggplot(aes(x = cara...
Since there are land masses completely surrounded by sea (e.g. Australia), the ocean shapefile contains polygons with 'holes' in the middle, & ggplot doesn't handle holes very well (discussed in its documentationhere). Fortunately, theggpolypathpackage is created precisely for this...
I think the fix might be to compute the smoothed grids first (using kde2d) and then adding those as raster geoms, or dropping all the ggplot stuff and using something else like tmap (except you'd have to sort out all the oceanic package stuff if you really want to...
I am bit new to Gson, I have a json in following format:- and have an java class:- package com.nab.testing.taf.config; And i am parsing it like this:- Case 1: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java... Having Some issues with google cloud messaging api for android ...
needed for doc changes. When adding a new function, test values should usually be verified in another package (e.g., R/SAS/Stata). When fixing a bug, you must add a test that would produce the bug in main and then show that it is fixed with the new code. ...
Now, we can draw a graphic with the ggplot2 package as shown below:ggp <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + # Create basic ggplot geom_line() ggp # Draw ggplotFigure 1: ggplot2 Line Plot with Default Layout Specifications.Figure 1 shows the output of the previous R code: A ggplot2 plot...
library(sf) library(terra) library(stars) library(ggplot2) library(mapview) my_cellsize <- 50000 # Load the 'nc' shapefile from the sf package nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) |> st_transform(crs = 32617) # projection in meters # Create a grid within...
The argument digits is provided by the qcc package to control the number of digits printed on the graph, where it either uses the default option set for R or a user-supplied value. I have tried to add some intelligence to calculating a default value under the assumption that we can tell...
library(raster)# Note: ncdf4 may be a pain to install on windows.# Try installing package 'ncdf' if this doesn't worklibrary(ncdf4)# band=13 corresponds to the layer of interest, the 500 millibar height (m)r<-raster(filename,band=13)plot(r)contour(r,add=TRUE...
Part of R Language Collective 4 In using the function scatterplot3d() from the scatterplot3d package, grid=TRUE only plots the grid for XY-plane. A look at the function source code has only X and Y components. I want to draw the grid for YZ- and XZ- planes as well, as below in...